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High school teacher program
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Help celebrate the International Year of Chemistry at the MW/GL Regional meeting and earn a registration rebate. The details are on the Registration page.
Instructions to presenters
Some helpful hints to oral and poster presenters can be found at the bottom of this page.
Full program now available
The complete final program of technical presentations, oral and poster, is now available. Check carefully for the many different formats available:
- to build your itinerary for the meeting (ACS login required), use the online searchable database with itinerary builder
- if you don’t have an ACS login or don’t need the Itinerary Builder, use the online searchable database without itinerary builder
- overview of the symposium sessions and special events as a one-page grid (pdf, 87 kB). The special events are not included in any of the other program formats, so don’t miss this.
- schedule of talks and posters, titles/authors/times/locations for each session (58-page pdf, 260 kB). In rare cases, there will be discrepancies between this document and online versions of the schedule due to last-minute requests for changes; in such cases, this document is definitive.
- compilation of all full-text abstracts, but no schedule (384-page pdf, 5.8 MB)
- the author index, just author name and abstract number (16-page pdf, 280 kB)
- complete program booklet (132-page pdf, 5 MB), includes #3, 5, and 6 above, plus sponsor acknowledgments, welcome letters, special event participant bios, award citations, exhibitors with brief company descriptions, Expo floorplan, Local Sections within the Midwest and Great Lakes regions, venue map, and Westport Plaza map. Please don’t print this; you can pick up a bound program booklet when you check in at the meeting.
Symposia and special topics: schedule at a glance
Day |
all day |
Wed |
Thu |
Fri |
Sat |
Special Symposia
Biological Mass Spectrometry
Thursday, 8 am–12 noon and 1–5 pm, Alpine I Room
Henry Rohrs, Washington University, rohrs@wustl.edu
Michael Gross, Washington University, mgross@wustl.edu
Joshua Coon, University of Wisconsin–Madison, jcoon@chem.wisc.edu
Leslie Hicks, Danforth Plant Science Center, Redox profiling and protein characterization via MS to investigate thiol-based regulatory mechanisms induced by oxidative stress in plants
Sophie Alvarez, Danforth Plant Science Center, Functional proteomics in Arabidopsis G-protein signaling in response to ABA
Lloyd Sumner, Noble Institute, Integrated metabolomics provides novel insight into legume natural product biosynthesis
Michael Gross, Washington University, Mass spectrometry based protein footprinting: the fourth pillar of proteomics
Jun Zhang, Washington University, The use of hydrogen/deuterium exchange-mass spectrometry in VDR modulator development
Joshua Coon, University of Wisconsin, New mass spectrometry technology for protein sequence analysis and beyond
Lu Bai, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign, Characterization of D-amino acid-containing peptides (DAACPs) in the central nervous system
James Bruce, University of Washington, Protein interaction reporter: “News” on protein topologies in cells
Michael Wright, University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Directed mass spectrometry: Molecular dissection of androgen signaling networks in human disease
Justin Sperry, Pfizer, Mass spectrometry characterization of a therapeutic antibody conjugate
We are grateful to these sponsors of the Biological Mass Spec symposium |



Biomolecular Structure and Function
Friday, 8:25–11:30 am and 1:30–5 pm, Zurich Room
Cindy Dupureur, University of Missouri–St Louis, cdup@umsl.edu
Dana Baum, Saint Louis University, dbaum1@slu.edu
Juliane Soukup, Creighton University, jksoukup@creighton.edu
Jim Maher, Mayo Clinic, Understanding DNA flexibility in vitro and in vivo
Scott Silverman, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign, DNA as a catalyst for covalent modification of biomolecules
Jillian Smith, Washington University, Structure-activity relationships of G- quadruplex interloop photocrosslinking
Christie Chow, Wayne State University, Targeting dynamic ribosomal RNA sites with small molecules
Charles Johnson, Saint Louis University, Computational model for predicting experimental RNA and DNA nearest-neighbor free energy rankings
Katie Henzler-Wildman, Washington University, Direct observation of conformational exchange in the small multidrug resistance transporter EmrE
Jack Tanner, University of Missouri, Structural and biophysical studies of proline catabolic enzymes
Gaofei He, University of Missouri–St Louis, DNA binding properties of a large antiviral polyamide
Robert Clegg, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign, Chasing fluorescence lifetimes in complex biological systems: What can fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) tell us?
David Weis, University of Kansas, Mass spectral studies of intrinsically disordered proteins
Michael Nichols, University of Missouri–St Louis, Tryptophan substitutions as fluorescent probes of amyloid-β structure
Thanks to all the sponsors of the Biomolecular Structure and Function symposium |



Chemical Education Research
Friday, 8 am–12 noon and 1–5 pm, Davos Room
Steve Kinsley, Washington University, kinsley@wuchem.wustl.edu
Susan D Wiediger, Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville, swiedig@siue.edu
Tom Goodwin, Hendrix College, Development, advantages, educational value, challenges, and implementation of a green, microscale organic chemistry laboratory
Barbara Foster, West Virginia University, Laboratory safety and management for teaching assistants
Regina Frey, Washington University, Incorporating peer-led team learning (PLTL) into lower-level chemistry courses: implementation and insights
David Finster, Wittenberg University, Improving safety education in undergraduate chemistry programs
We are grateful to these sponsors of the symposium on Chemical Research |

High Sensitivity Spectroscopy
Thursday, 1–5 pm, Interlaken Room
James O’Brien, University of Missouri–St Louis, obrien@jinx.umsl.edu
Timothy Zwier, Purdue University, Single-conformation spectroscopy of synthetic foldamers, peptides, and model lignin compounds
Gregory Hartland, University of Notre Dame, Transient absorption microscopy studies of single-metal and semiconductor nanostructures
Frank Keutsch, University of Wisconsin Madison, Fiber laser-induced fluorescence and laser-induced phosphorescence spectroscopy for atmospheric measurements
Ben McCall, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign, New approaches to high-resolution, high-sensitivity spectroscopy of molecular ions
James O’Brien, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, UM–St Louis, High sensitivity absorption spectra using broadband intracavity laser spectroscopy
Thanks to the sponsors of the High Sensitivity Spectroscopy symposium |

Midwest Award Symposium
Thursday, 3–5 pm, Zurich Room
in honor of the 2011 winner, Xiao Cheng Zeng, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. See the Events page for the award citation.
Patrick Dussault, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, dussault@unlserve.unl.edu
Lichang Wang, Southern Illinois University–Carbondale, lwang@chem.siu.edu
Christine Aikens, Kansas State University, DFT optical properties and growth mechanisms of gold nanoparticles
Bing Gong, State University of New York–Buffalo, Nanoporous organic structures: Creation and novel properties
Lichang Wang, Southern Illinois University–Carbondale, Transition metal nanoparticles as catalysts in fuel cell applications
Xiao Cheng Zeng, University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Computer-aided nanoscience research: Nanoice, nanoclusters, and superhydrophobicity
The Midwest Award is administered and supported by the St Louis Section. We are grateful for additional support from the ACS Division of Computers in Chemistry. |
Sigma-Aldrich Symposium on Nanomaterials
Friday, 1–5 pm, Alpine I Room
Shashi Jasty, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, Shashi.Jasty@sial.com
Angel Thompson, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation, angel.thompson@sial.com
William E Buhro, Washington University, Synthetic pathway to and optical properties of CdSe quantum belts
Amanda Haes, University of Iowa, Plasmonic nanomaterials for disease diagnostics
Kenneth Klabunde, Kansas State University, Controlled assembly of nanoparticles to superlattice crystals
Robert Hamers, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Chemically directed assembly of charge-transferring hybrid nanostructures
Catherine Murphy, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign, Wrapping up nanorods
Thanks to Aldrich Materials Science for sponsoring the Nanomaterials symposium |

Natural Products Synthesis
Thursday, 8 am–12 noon, Zurich Room
Christopher D Spilling, University of Missouri–St Louis, cspill@umsl.edu
Christopher Spilling, University of Missouri–St Louis, Approaches to tetrahydrofuran-containing natural products
Tony Mannino, Covidien, Semi-synthetic opioids from diene natural products
David Weimer, University of Iowa, Natural product synthesis through tandem cationic reactions
Paul Hanson, Kansas State University, Phosphate tether-mediated protocols for natural product synthesis
Matt McIntosh, University of Arkansas, Progress toward the synthesis of antascomicin B
Carl Lovely, University of Texas–Arlington, Total synthesis of marine alkaloids
Gunda Georg, University of Minnesota, Natural products as leads for anticancer drug discovery
Thanks to the sponsors of the Natural Products Synthesis symposium |

NMR: The Next Generation (of Techniques)
Friday, 8 am–12 noon and 1–5 pm, St Moritz Room
Sophia Hayes, Washington University, hayes@wustl.edu
Nathan Oyler, University of Missouri–Kansas City, oylern@umkc.edu
Chris Jaroniec, Ohio State University, jaroniec@chemistry.ohio-state.edu
Ann McDermott, Columbia University (keynote speaker), Shifting shapes: seeing a protein’s moves
Mark Conradi, Washington University, Direct measurement of exchange rate of hydrogen and deuterium between gas and hydride phases
Boyd Goodson, Southern Illinois University–Carbondale, Studies of atomic and molecular interactions of laser-polarized xenon and parahydrogen for magnetic resonance applications
Christian Hilty, Texas A&M University, Chemical and biochemical reactions investigated by dynamic nuclear polarization enhanced NMR
Chris Jaroniec, The Ohio State University, Magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR structural studies of proteins modified with paramagnetic tags
Nathan Oyler, University of Missouri–Kansas City, Local physical structure in hydrogenated boron carbide thin films
Chad Rienstra, University of Illinois–Urbana-Champaign, Is it possible to solve a protein structure with one NMR spectrum?
Melanie Rosay, Bruker BioSpin Corporation, Dynamic nuclear polarization for enhanced sensitivity in solid-state NMR experiments
Jake Schaefer, Washington University, Carbon partitioning in leaves under elevated CO2 conditions using 11C and 13C labeling
We are grateful to these sponsors of the NMR symposium |

Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Wednesday, 1–5 pm, St Moritz Room (Roundtable 7–8 pm)
Todd M Stark, Johnson Matthey Pharma Services, todd.m.stark@gmail.com
Symposium, Wednesday, 1–5 pm, St Moritz Room
Todd M Stark, Johnson Matthey Pharma Services, Chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry: Discovery research
Blake R Peterson, University of Kansas, Synthesis of fluorophores that reveal dynamic aspects of physiology in vivo in C. elegans
James Bashkin, University of Missouri–St Louis, Pyrrole-imidazole polyamides active against human papillomavirus (HPV) in cell and tissue culture
Todd M Stark, Johnson Matthey Pharma Services, Chemistry in the pharmaceutical industry: The development process
Roundtable: “The Business of Pharmaceutical Chemistry”, Wednesday, 7–8 pm, St Moritz Room
A roundtable of scientists will discuss their current roles in the pharmaceutical industry that involve placing dollar values on chemistry effort, chemical compounds, and pharmaceutical products. Each panelist will describe how they arrived at their current position and together discuss the skills required to succeed in business-focused, pharmaceutical chemistry careers.
Todd Stark, Business Development Manager, Johnson Matthey Pharma Services
Helen Anderson, VP Commercial Development, Harvard Drug Group
Karthik Raghavan, CEO, Sentio BioSciences LLC
Katie Grayson, Sr Director, Technical Affairs, EAG Life Sciences division of Evans Analytical Group
Umashanker Sampath, Director, New Business Development, Reliable Biopharmaceutical Corporation
Matthew T Reding, Procurement Specialist Consultant II, Biologics Strategic Sourcing–Small Molecules, EMD Millipore
Plant Biotechnology—Blurring the Line between Chemistry and Biology
Thursday, 8 am–12 noon, Bern Room
Joe Jez, Washington University, jjez@wustl.edu
Xuemin (Sam) Wang, University of Missouri–St Louis and Danforth Plant Science Center, wangxue@umsl.edu
Basil Nikolau, Iowa State University, Carbonyl chemistry-based biorenewable chemicals: Diversifying fatty acid synthesis with polyketide synthesis biocatalysts
Sonya Franklin, Monsanto Company, Engineering proteins to improve biological function: Applications to ag biotech
Zheng-Hua Ye, University of Georgia, Tailoring plant biomass for biofuel production
Xia Ge, Washington University, Vacuolar glyphosate sequestration correlates with glyphosate resistance in ryegrass (Lolium spp.): a 31P-NMR investigation
Maoyin Li, University of Missouri–St Louis and Danforth Plant Science Center, Carbons for lipids or carbohydrate: identifying a potential point of metabolic modulation
Hari B Krishnan USDA and University of Missouri–Columbia, Improvement of soybean nutritive value by overexpression of a key enzyme involved in the sulfur assimilatory pathway
Kent Chapman, University of North Texas, Visualizing lipid compositions in plant tissues, cells and subcellular compartments: Could location be a factor in oilseed engineering?
Joe Jez, Washington University, From climate change to proteins: redox proteomics of ozone-induced responses in soybean
We thank the sponsors of the Plant Biotechnology symposium |



Plant Science: Undergraduate Programming
Thursday, 1–3 pm, Davos Room
A symposium with participants from some of the leading plant science organizations in the world, all headquartered in St Louis. This program is organized as part of the program for undergraduates, but all are welcome.
Brent Znosko, Saint Louis University, znoskob@slu.edu
Toni Kutchan, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Post-genomic elucidation of plant natural product pathways
Douglas Sammons, Monsanto Company, Evolution of herbicide resistance
Russell Williams, Sequoia Sciences, Plant natural products in a modern drug discovery program
We are grateful to the sponsors of the Plant Science undergraduate program |
Revitalizing the Heartland’s Chemical Economy
Wednesday, 1–5 pm, Davos Room
Lisa Balbes, Balbes Consultants LLC, lisa@balbes.com
John Borchardt, jkborchardt@hotmail.com
John Borchardt, Southhaven Communications, R&D phoenix: new labs arising from the ashes
Jeffrey Burkinshaw, ConocoPhillips, ConocoPhillips Wood River CORE project
Dan Broderick, BioGenerator, Innovators turning into entrepreneurs: How to get started
Derek Rapp, Divergence, Inc, Divergence: From startup to acquisition, a success story
Rick Silva, University of Colorado–Denver, Tech transfer & commercialization: Applied research and gap funding
We thank the ACS Division of Professional Relations and an ACS Innovative Project Grant for Divisional Enhancement in partial support of this symposium |

Small Chemical Businesses (SCHB)
Joseph Sabol, Program Chair, ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses, program@acs-schb.org
Harry J. Guttman, Patent Attorney, Stipkala LLC, Harry.Guttman@StipkalaLaw.com
True Stories of Success from Chemical Entrepreneurs
Wednesday, 1–5 pm, Alpine II Room
Stanley E Manahan, University of Missouri–Columbia (retired), From sewage sludge to ebooks: An academician’s ventures into the small business world
David Webster, ddw2, LLC, So, you want to be a consultant? Here’s how to do it
Jane Garrity, NUtech Ventures, NUtech Ventures: Catalyzing startup success
Jerry L Jost, Jost Chemical Company, Terminated to Terminator
followed by a panel discussion
What Every Small Business Owner Needs to Know about Patents, Trademarks, and Intellectual Property
Thursday, 8 am–12 noon and 1–5 pm, Alpine II Room
Harry J Guttman, Stipkala LLC, Small business IP: Red flags and core concepts
Edlyn S Simmons, Simmons Patent Information Service, LLC, The role of patent information research
Carlos M Tellez, Finnegan, Henderson, Farabow, Garrett & Dunner LLP, So you have an invention, now what? Important considerations when filing a patent application
Scott M K Lee, Law Office of Salvatore Arrigo and Scott Lee, LLP, When is your molecule or method eligible for patent protection: Lessons from recent court cases and practical business guidance
Stephen C Hall, Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC, Who owns patented technology: a review of the US Supreme Court’s recent decision in Stanford v Roche and how it applies to federally funded research
Edna Vassilovski, Stipkala LLC, Strategies for protecting IP in an open innovation economy
Teresa J Welch, Michael Best & Friedrich LLP, Small businesses and their assets: Building an intellectual property wall
Jeremy M Stipkala, Stipkala LLC, Patent law reform legislation: Survival tips for academic and entrepreneurial scientists
Thanks to the ACS Division of Small Chemical Businesses for sponsoring these symposia |
Supramolecular Chemistry in Membranes
Thursday, 8 am–12 noon and 1–5 pm, St Moritz Room
George W Gokel, University of Missouri–St Louis, gokelg@umsl.edu
Jerry L Atwood, University of Missouri–Columbia, AtwoodJ@missouri.edu
Jerry L Atwood, University of Missouri–Columbia, New strategy of transforming pharmaceutical crystal forms
Gary A Baker, University of Missouri–Columbia,
Alicia Beatty, University of Missouri–St Louis, Structural variations, dynamics, and molecular intercalation and transport in layered ammonium carboxylates
Kristin Bowman-James, University of Kansas, Molecular pipes and boxes: Containers for anions
Jeff Davis, University of Maryland, Transmembrane ion transporters made from various natural products and their analogs
Bruce Gibb, University of New Orleans, Assembly and binding properties of deep-cavity cavitands in water
George Gokel, University of Missouri–St Louis, Synthetic organic transporters that function in bilayer membranes
Scott J Dalgarno, Heriot-Watt University, Metal-organic calixarene assemblies
Janan Jayawickramarajah, Tulane University, Protein-binding molecular switches: Designs based on supramolecular and nucleic acid chemistry
Lyle Isaacs, University of Maryland, Nor-seco-cucurbit[n]uril molecular containers
Leonard Macgillivray, University of Iowa, Crystal engineering cocrystals: Application in the structure determination of a chiral ladderane
Bradley Smith, University of Notre Dame, Glowing rotaxanes: a new paradigm for optical imaging
S Thayumanavan, University of Massachusetts–Amherst, Responsive nanoassemblies
Thanks to the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry for sponsoring the Supramolecular Chemistry in Membranes symposium |
General sessions
Undergraduate program (go)
Brent Znosko, Saint Louis University, znoskob@slu.edu
High school chemistry teacher program (go)
Hal Harris, University of Missouri–St Louis, hharris@umsl.edu
Regular oral sessions
- Analytical
- Biochemistry
- Environmental
- Inorganic
- Nanoscience
- Organic
- Physical
- Polymer
Poster sessions
- Analytical
- Biochemistry
- Environmental
- Inorganic
- Nanoscience
- Organic
- Physical
- Polymer
- Small chemical business
Special Topics
ACS Career Management workshops
- Thursday, October 20th, 1–5:30 pm, in the Lugano Room; these workshops are free and no preregistration is required
- Planning Your Job Search, 1–2:30 pm
- Preparing a Résumé, 2:30–4 pm
- Effective Interviewing Skills, 4–5:30 pm
- Friday, October 21st, morning only, in the Lugano Room
- Individual résumé reviews by appointment; sign up at registration desk or during the Thursday career workshops
ACS Leadership Development courses
The ACS Leadership Development staff will offer two courses during MWRM/GLRM 2011. These courses offer leadership training appropriate for use in ACS governance, but teach skills that are also widely applicable in the workplace. The courses are offered at greatly reduced prices to ACS members and non-members, but enrollment is limited so sign up early. Fees for each class are $15 for ACS members, $30 for non-members, and $5 for unemployed ACS members, students, and teachers.
- Collaborating Across Boundaries, Friday, October 21st, 8 am–12 noon, in the Skylight Room, facilitated by Jason Ritchie
Leaders in many roles (especially at more senior levels) need to be able to work effectively with leaders and members in other roles and units to accomplish their objectives. This course provides leaders with strategies and tools to make collaboration more productive, including developing common goals, ensuring equity between what parties bring and what they gain from the effort, gaining members’ commitment, and establishing trust and resolving conflict.
- Communication Strategies, Friday, October 21st, 1–5 pm, in the Skylight Room, facilitated by Frankie Wood-Black
As a senior leader, you will encounter an increasing number of opportunities to represent your organization to outside parties, stakeholders, and media, often under pressure and in highly visible situations. This level of communication requires a higher understanding of communications to ensure the best representation possible. This interactive course introduces you to executive-level communications; you will learn how to skillfully communicate new insights, keep others informed, report on new endeavors, and communicate in an interesting and compelling manner.
To register, please log into the ACS Center for Professional Development, www.acs.org/professionaldevelopment. For additional information, contact Alexa Serfis, barnoski@slu.edu
PLTL Workshop
Saturday, October 22nd, 9–11 am in the Alpine II Room
If you haven’t already implemented Peer-Led Team Learning in your curriculum, it could be the next big thing for you. Dr Gina Frey will guide workshop attendees through the process of successfully implementing PLTL and will present data from the program in General Chemistry at Washington University.
Eat, socialize, network...and more...
Instructions to presenters
Giving a talk or presenting a poster at the meeting? Here’s what you can expect and how you can best prepare.
Oral presentation
We will provide a computer, an LCD projector and a screen for your presentation. A PowerPoint file (saved as a .ppt file, not pptx) is the preferred format.
Plan to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the start of your session to meet your session chair. Be sure to inform your session chair of any important title or name pronunciations.
For easier transitions between talks, we ask that you upload your presentation onto the session chair’s computer. Submit your presentation to your session chair at least 20 minutes prior to the start of your session. It is preferred that presenters bring their presentation on a flash drive (memory stick), as compatibility problems may occur with CDs. You may want to bring a backup or second stick with the talk in case there are problems with the first one. If you are using a different format than PowerPoint or PDF, you should bring your own laptop computer (and any adapter cable you may need to connect to the projector).
Pay attention to the time that you have been allotted for your presentation. Be sure to leave at least 3 minutes for questions/discussion. Due to a tight schedule, we can not allow presentations to run over their allotted time. You are encouraged to continue discussions at coffee breaks, lunch, or outside the session room.
Poster presentations
The poster boards can hold posters that are a maximum size of 72 inches wide × 48 inches high (1.83 m wide × 1.22 m high).
Please arrive 20 minutes prior to the start of the poster session to mount your poster on the display boards. Check in with staff to find the exact location for your poster. Push pins will be provided.
It is an excellent idea to practice a 2–3-minute overview of your poster to present to interested attendees. You may also want to have reprints or business cards available to hand out.
Poster sessions are 1½ hours long (2 hours for the SciMix poster session). Presenters should be available in the poster/exhibit venue throughout their poster session.
Posters will need to be removed from the display boards promptly—within 10 minutes of the conclusion of the session—to accommodate the presenters in the next session.