46th Midwest
39th Great Lakes
Joint Regional ACS Meeting

Solutions for a Changing World
Celebrating the International Year of Chemistry*

Hosted by the
  • Saint Louis Section (Midwest Region)
  • Wabash Valley Section (Great Lakes Region)
October 19-22, 2011
Saint Louis, MO

Home »
Technical program
Undergrad program
High school teacher program
Special events/awards/nominations
Exposition & sponsorships
Getting here/Venue
Area activities

IYC logo

*Help celebrate the International Year of Chemistry at the MW/GL Regional meeting and earn a registration rebate. The details are on the Registration page.

These buttons take you to external websites, where registration, abstracts, and room reservations are accepted.

link to registration options

Reduced fees apply to early registration, entered on the website or received by mail or fax by September 30th.

link to abstract submission site

Sorry! Abstract submission was closed on August 31st.

link to room reservation site

Room reservations will continue to be accepted at the MWGL 2011 rate through October 14th based on availability.

In 2011, the Saint Louis Section will be the primary host section for the Midwest and Great Lakes Joint Regional ACS meeting. St Louis is on the eastern edge of the Midwest Region, a convenient trip for most members in both regions. We have a great Technical Program planned as the core for your visit. Special events in conjunction with the meeting will add to the enjoyment and educational benefits. And if you can find a little down time—come early or stay after—or if you are bringing non-chemists along on a mini-vacation, St Louis has a lot of great activities to choose from within a very short distance of the venue.

  • Technical program: 12 topical symposia; general oral and poster sessions; career management and leadership development workshops
  • Undergraduate program: special programs and events for undergraduate student attendees
  • High school teacher program: a Saturday morning program tailored to high school teacher interests
  • Special events: awards, banquets, events with ACS leadership participation; award nomination info
  • Exposition and sponsorships: how to be an exhibitor; floor plan of exposition hall; sponsorship opportunities
  • The venue: how to get here; amenities; floor plan of meeting and event rooms
  • Area activities: things to do off-site for family or extended-stay attendees

Please use the buttons at left to register to attend the meeting and submit abstracts. You will be taken to national ACS meeting registration and abstract submission pages. Make sure you select “Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting” when you’re on those pages. Registrations received by September 30th qualify for the reduced early registration fee; after that date or at the meeting, the full registration fee applies. Abstracts will be accepted until 11 pm CDT on Wednesday, August 31st.

Now would also be a good time to reserve a room at the meeting hotel. There’s another button at left for that; you’ll be taken to the Sheraton special event reservation page for the Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting. You will first be asked to choose a hotel. The meeting venue is the Sheraton Westport Chalet. Overflow room reservations will be at the Sheraton Westport Plaza, a five-minute walk from the Chalet. Both hotels have the same amenities and special MWRM/GLRM meeting prices. Room reservations will continue to be accepted at the special rate through October 14th based on availability.

facebook logo

If you have any questions, need further information, wish to reserve space in the Exposition, or want to volunteer to help out, please get in touch with the most appropriate member of the Organizing Committee. If you’d like to keep your fingers on the pulse of the meeting and hear about news and approaching deadlines, follow us on Facebook.

Are you feeling welcome yet?

What with all the preparations for your visit, the broad yet deep technical program, the array of exhibitors at the Expo, the special events, and a comfortable, convenient venue, you should be feeling the love by now, and busy figuring out how the heck to register. (Hint: see those blue buttons on the left side?) But if you need yet more reassurance that yes, we really do want you to come, take a gander at all these officials who welcome you to Saint Louis.

Click on each of the thumbnails for a readable rendition in a new tab or window.

Missouri Governor
Jay Nixon

welcome letter from Governor Jay Nixon

St Louis County Executive
Charlie Dooley

welcome letter from County Executive Charlie Dooley

St Louis Mayor
Francis Slay

welcome letter from Mayor Francis Slay

ACS President
Nancy Jackson

welcome letter from ACS President Nancy Jackson

MW/GL Meeting Genl Chair
Leah O’Brien

welcome letter from MW/GL General Chair Leah O'Brien

St Louis Section Chair
Jeffrey Cornelius

welcome letter from St Louis Chair Jeffrey Cornelius

Wabash Valley Section Chair
Richard W Fitch

welcome letter from Wabash Chair Richard W Fitch

Organizing committee

General Chair

Dr Leah O’Brien
Department of Chemistry
Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville
Edwardsville, IL 62026

General Co-Chairs

Dr James O’Brien
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Missouri–Saint Louis
Saint Louis, MO 63121

Dr Leroy Breimeier
Department of Chemistry
Vincennes University
1002 N First St
Vincennes, IN 47591

Program Chair

Dr Keith Stine
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Missouri–Saint Louis
Saint Louis, MO 63121

Program Co-chair

Dr Darrell Clinton
Department of Chemistry
Oakland City University
Oakland City, IN 47660

Exposition Chairs

Dr Lisa Balbes
Balbes Consultants LLC
648 Simmons Avenue
Kirkwood, MO 63122

Mr Ted Gast
Carl F Gast Co
2 Layton Terrace
Saint Louis, MO 63124


Mr Bruce Ritts


Dr Eric Ressner

Local Sections served

Midwest Region

Local Section Chair
*Host section
Ames Joseph W Burnett
Iowa Wanda Reitner-Kintz
Kansas City Chung V Lam
Kansas State University Viktor Chikan
Mark Twain Mark W Moore
Mo-Kan-OK Khamis S Siam
Nebraska Nathaniel P Fackler
Omaha Abijah M Nyong
Ozark Albert K Korir
Saint Louis* Jeff Cornelius
Sioux Valley Haoran Sun
South Central Missouri Manashi Nath
Southern Illinois Qingfeng Ge
University of Arkansas Julie A Stenken
University of Missouri Thomas D Sewell
Wakarusa Valley L Alan Shaver
Wichita James Bann

Great Lakes Region

Local Section Chair
*Host section
Central Wisconsin Robin S Tanke
Chicago Keith S Kostecka
Decatur-Springfield Aaron L Wilham
East Central Illinois Ben J McCall
Illinois Heartland Gregory Ferrence
Illinois-Iowa Sunil Malapati
Joliet William J Peacy
Kalamazoo Doug Williams
LaCrosse-Winona Claude L Mertzenich
Lake Superior James W Lane
Mark Twain Mark W Moore
Milwaukee Robert C Todd
Minnesota Kim K McKinney
Northeast Wisconsin Corey T Cunningham
Purdue Adam C Myers
Red River Valley David L Mork
Rock River Deborah R Breiter
St Joseph Valley Daniel V Brown
Upper Peninsula Peter F Method
Wabash Valley* Richard W Fitch
Wisconsin James P Hamilton

If you need more information or have problems with this site, please contact the WebMaster.