Keith Stine received a PhD in physical chemistry from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Subsequently, he spent two years as a postdoctoral associate at University of California–Los Angeles. He joined the faculty in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at University of Missouri–St Louis in 1990, where he is currently Professor of Chemistry, Director of Undergraduate Studies, and a member of the Center for Nanoscience. He is also presently Chair of the Faculty Senate and University Assembly. His research has resulted in over 70 publications.
In the St Louis Section, he served as Secretary of the Local Section (2002-2006), and in the Chair succession (2007-09). He was the Program Chair for ACS Midwest Regional Meetings held in Saint Louis both in 2000 and in 2011. Additionally, he has helped to coordinate the annual ACS Career Day for High School Students with Prof Jim O’Brien since 2002. He has proctored the High School Chemistry Contest since 2007, and the Chemistry Olympiad in 2008, 2009, 2013, and 2014 jointly with Professor Hal Harris and Mary Harris. He has served as the liaison to the Younger Chemists Committee of the St Louis Section since 2008. Since 2009, he has been the coordinator for ACS Project SEED at University of Missouri–St Louis. In the past, he also served as the Chair of the Saint Louis Award and the Midwest Award. He has served as a judge at a number of science fairs for the local section, has presented at the Illinois and Missouri State Fairs, and has been active in local section fundraising. He was named an ACS Fellow in 2014.