Fair Use
The St Louis Section ACS members listed here are actively involved in section governance or specific events, and have consented to having their contact information given. Please do not reward their hard work with abuse. Use this contact list only for legitimate section business.
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A |
Joseph AckermanMallinckrodt Institute of Radiology |
B |
Lisa BalbesBalbes Consultants LLC |
Benjamin S BarthUniversity of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St Louis |
Lawrence Barton5801 Turban Court |
James BashkinDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Eike BauerDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Earl Beaveremail: erbeav@aol.com |
Mikhail BerezinDepartment of Radiology |
Elizabeth BergmanWaters Corporation | |
Tabbetha BohacNumerof and Associates |
Eric BrutonBoeing Research & Technology, Chemical Technology |
C |
JB CarrollThe Boeing Company |
Cynthia ChappleBlack Girls Do STEM |
Jeffrey CorneliusDepartment of Chemistry |
D |
Cristina De MeoDepartment of Chemistry |
Sean DingmanOxyChem |
Bill Doub1430 Neffwold Ln |
Sue Dudek5011 Oak Bluff Dr |
F |
Donna FriedmanChemistry Dept |
G |
Joel GarbowBiomedical MR Laboratory |
David Garin6186 Westminster Place |
Debanjana GhoshDepartment of Chemistry |
H |
Michael Hankinsemail: michael.hankins@slu.edu |
Hal HarrisDepartment of Chemistry |
Suzy Hartmannphone: 314.517.6357 |
David Haselbauer1658 Legend Lane Ct |
Michael HauserPhysical Science and Engineering Department |
Sophia HayesChemistry Department |
J |
Reni JosephProfessor of Chemistry |
K |
Brian KamusingaBrian Kamusinga |
Bruce KowertDepartment of Chemistry |
L |
Rob Lambemail: acsawardstl@gmail.com |
Thomas Layloff#5 Thomas Court |
Michael LewisDept of Chemistry |
M |
Pamela MorrisonProlific Management Group, LLC |
N |
Naomi Msengiemail: nmsengi1106@gmail.com |
Mike NicholsDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
O |
Jim O’BrienDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Leah O’BrienDepartment of Chemistry |
Jeramia OryOffice of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion |
Ben Outlaw1256 Colby Dr |
R |
Myron ReeseProfessor of Chemistry (emeritus) |
Eric RessnerSOS Chemical Information Services LLC |
Monica Riethphone: 618.650.3561 |
Henry RohrsDepartment of Chemistry |
S |
Michael ShawDepartment of Chemistry |
Chris SpillingDepartment of Chemistry |
Keith StineDepartment of Chemistry |
G S M SundaramMallinckrodt Institute of Radiology |
T |
Rui TangBiophotonics Research Center |
John-Stephen TaylorDepartment of Chemistry |
Eden TesfuPlant Biotechnology, Bldg FF3610/ GG4129-1 | |
V |
Eric VossDepartment of Chemistry |
W |
John Walkerphone: 314-977-6427 |
Susan WiedigerDepartment of Chemistry |
Janet WilkingDepartment of Chemistry and Biochemistry |
Rhonda WoerndleAnalytical Sciences, Small Molecule Technology |
Z |
Cheng ZhangBayer U.S.- Crop Science |
Brent ZnoskoDept of Chemistry |