Eric Bruton, Councilor
Eric Bruton received his BS and PhD in chemistry from University of Missouri–St Louis, where he studied hydrogen bonding interactions in inorganic and organic compounds in the solid state using crystallography as the major means of characterization. He worked at Chemir Analytical laboratories while finishing his doctorate, where he solved problems posed by customers in a variety of chemical areas, including polymers and materials. He next worked at Monsanto in the development of a new nutraceutical product, as well as the characterization and screening of new catalysts. After finishing his doctorate, Dr Bruton worked at Crosslink, a small R&D company, for more than six years on a variety of projects using conductive and electro-active polymers for the development of flexible photovoltaic devices and extremely flexible electroluminescent lighting (SuperFlex) for soft-walled military structures for the Defense Department. Then five years at Jost Chemical in their R&D group focused on new product development and problem solving. In 2015 he joined Boeing’s Chemical Technology Group in BR&T.
Dr Bruton has been a member of the ACS for over 19 years and active in the local section since 2008, when he joined the Younger Chemists Committee (YCC). In 2009, he became the chair of the section’s YCC, which has been a finalist for the ChemLuminary Award for Outstanding Local Section YCC every year. He handed the reins of the YCC off to a new chair in mid-2012. He served in the Chair succession, 2011–2013, and as Chair of the Publicity & Public Relations Committee, 2015–2016. He started serving as a Councilor in 2017.