Brent Znosko, Director-at-large and Professional Activities Committee Chair
Director-at-large and Professional Activities Committee Chair
Brent M Znosko earned his BS in chemistry from Allegheny College in Meadville, PA. There, he did research with Dr Marty Serra, investigating the thermodynamics of RNA single nucleotide bulges. He earned his MS and PhD in chemistry from the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY. There, he did research with Dr Doug Turner and solved NMR structures of RNA duplexes containing internal loops and of modified DNA-RNA hybrids.
He started his faculty position in the Department of Chemistry at Saint Louis University in 2004, where he is now an Associate Professor. His research aims to improve prediction of secondary and tertiary structure of RNA from sequence. His primary teaching assignments are the biochemistry lecture and lab series.
He currently serves as Director, chair of the Professional Activities Committee, and chair of the New Members subcommittee for the St Louis Section. He was chair of Undergraduate Programming at the 2011 ACS Midwest Regional Meeting in St Louis and organizer of a symposia at the 2006, 2008, and 2012 ACS Midwest Regional Meetings. Over the years, he has volunteered at the Boy Scout Chemistry Merit Badge Clinic, as a judge at the Greater St Louis Science Fair, and as a webinar speaker for the ACS. He is also the faculty advisor to the ACS student chapter at SLU. In his spare time, he enjoys hiking in national parks and spending time outdoors with his wife and sons.