So. If you’re reading this, you already have some sense of what the St Louis Section—ACS offers to its members and the community at large. That makes you a member of the choir.
Ah, but do you sing? or just lip-sync? With all we have going on all the time — educational outreach, member services, and the nitty-gritty of section governance — surely there is some aspect of all this that matches your vocal range? Volunteering is good for the soul, provides personal satisfaction, and incidentally (big payoff coming) can boost your own professional career with experiences and an expanded network. For a striking testimonial on how this works, read Natalie LaFranzo’s message. She got involved at a low level of effort and engagement and is now singing solos as Chair of the Section for 2017.
If you’re thinking, maybe, sure, I could see myself getting into this, you’ll want someone to talk to. If you already have a good idea of where your talents would be most useful, pick the committee or officer that sounds like you and get in touch. If you’re a utility player who’s not sure if piano accompanist or basso profundo is the right way to go, call the Section Chair, and she can help channel you.
Here are your front-line contacts for 2017:
Section Chair: Natalie LaFranzo
Secretary: Henry Rohrs
Treasurer: Jeff Cornelius
Awards Committee: Mikhail Berezin (chemist recognition programs from primary school through established professionals)
Education Committee: Susan Wiediger (best for community outreach events)
Professional Activities Committee: Brent Znosko (with Program, best for member services)
Younger Chemists Committee: Mathew Koebel or Doug Malkin
Program Committee: Dana Baum (with Professional Activities, best for member services)
Publicity & Public Relations Committee: Eric Ressner
Chemical Bond newsletter: editor position open (opportunity knocks)