From left to right: Melanie Gray, Benjamin Barth, Bo Bi, Natalie LaFranzo, Kathleen Chaffee, Eric Bruton. Front: Kathleen McGee
Officers | Links & Resources
Mission: To assist the young chemists of St. Louis achieve their full potential while promoting the St. Louis region as an icon for chemistry excellence. We will accomplish this by coordinating and facilitating interdisciplinary professional networking events as well as offering an early career development series and promoting the American Chemical Society and local section.
The St Louis YCC is the voice of younger chemists in the St Louis area, providing opportunities to participate in community chemistry education and network with other chemists in the area. We put on regular seminars on career topics in our Career Management Seminar series. Our annual Chemistry Career Night highlights types of careers that chemists work in. We meet regularly to plan activities as well as network. Through these activities, we want to develop leadership skills in our members, develop soft skills which are beneficial in our professional careers, and make the ACS relevant and accessible to younger chemists. See what we are up to below in reports and on Facebook and/or contact us via email at ycc@stlacs.org. We love hearing from you.
We maintain a mailing list of Younger Chemists in the St Louis local section territory. It is an announce-only list used for events sponsored by the local YCC; rarely would we send out more than one message a month. Members of the section under 35 years old, identified in the national ACS roster, are automatically subscribed to the list, and we don’t automatically unsubscribe you when you “age out.” You may remove yourself from the list using the link at the bottom of any email you receive from us.
About the national YCC organization
The Younger Chemists Committee was chartered by the American Chemical Society to address the specific needs of younger and early-career chemists. The YCC’s vision is to lead younger chemists into successful careers and active roles in the ACS and the profession. To achieve this, the Committee relies on its strengths of diversity, influential involvement, and dedicated leadership. By leading the way in the use of technology and creating outreach opportunities for our constituency, we hope to change the face of the ACS and become the most influential Committee in the Society.
What does this mean to you? The National YCC serves as a resource for younger chemists to find awards, start local section YCCs, attend national meeting programs relevant to younger chemists, and find other information that is of importance to younger chemists, like resources on interviewing skills and grant proposal writing.
Is there something missing? Let the national YCC know what you think. Talk to them on Facebook, on Twitter, by email, or in person at ACS national meetings.