Volume 65, Number 6 | September, 2014 |
Welcome New Subscribers, Ready or Not
Midwest Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group Annual Picnic
St. Louis Chemical Science and Technology Award
Science Fair Chemistry Awards Coordinator Needed!
American Polymer Standards, Inc.
Chemir Analytical Services
micron inc.
Place an ad in the Chemical Bond
In our biennial member surveys, we ask first-time participants in section events, “Why have you not attended {xyz event} before?” And what we hear most often is, “I didn’t know about it.” For those of us in the communication end of things, that’s a bit frustrating because we think we’re doing all we can to inform, even cajole, member interest.
Well, almost all. Until now, the Chemical Bond reminder email list has been opt-in. We had about 80 opters, and among them, pretty good readership ratios. But 80 is only a minuscule splinter of the 1400-ish section members with email addresses disclosed. So, after careful consideration given to all your busy in-boxes, the Board of Directors decided to convert the reminder list to opt-out. Over the summer, all members who had not already opted out were subscribed to the list. That’s why, if you’d never seen a Chemical Bond reminder email before, you got one this month.
These reminders will hit you only nine times a year. We hope you’ll be able to make good and efficient use of them, if not every month, at least often enough to make the browse worthwhile. However, if you really don’t want to be prompted about new newsletter issues anymore, just use the unsubscribe from Chemical Bond reminders link at the bottom of the email (not here), and you’re covered. Permanently. We won’t do this again!
And now, the news ....
American Polymer Standards Corporation
8680 Tyler Boulevard, Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: 440-255-2211 Fax: 440-255-8397
The Midwest Mass Spectrometry Discussion Group annual picnic was held on 8/21/2014.
The Midwest Mass Spectrometry Group held its annual picnic and poster session the evening of August 21 at Washington University. More than 20 posters were displayed and there was lively discussion among the 75 attendees which included students, faculty, and both government and industrial scientists. The event allows local scientists to show posters from recent conferences and provides an opportunity for researchers to see what their collegues have been doing. The Midwest MS Discussion Group is supported by the St. Louis Section of the ACS and several industrial sponsors. For more information about its activities, please visit the St. Louis Section website.
The St. Louis Chemical Science and Technology Award is presented to a chemist in the St. Louis area who has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and scientific contribution.
Criteria used to judge the award include technical proficiency, presentations, coaching/teamwork, and additional professional activities.
The award will consist of a plaque, a $500 honorarium, and dinner for the awardee and a guest at the annual Recognition Night.
To be eligible, the nominee should have an Associate, Bachelor's, or Master's Degree in chemistry or a chemistry-related curriculum. The nominee need not be a St. Louis Section-ACS member to be eligible.
Letters of nomination must be received by December 19, 2014. The nominating letter should address the critieria above. A current work address, phone number, and email address must be provided for each nominee.
To submit a nomination, contact: Chemical Science and Technology Award Coordinator, Adrienne Mazdra, (314)-513-4035, amazdra@stlcc.edu
Group photo during the 2014 St. Louis Section of the ACS annual picnic on 6/14/2014
The 10th annual St. Louis-ACS section picnic was held on June 14. The event drew a nice crowd of about 30 members, spouses, and children hosted once again at the centrally located Tilles Park in Ladue. For his turn as host, immediate past chair Ziad Ramadan went wa-a-a-ay above and beyond expectations with a delectable feast of both traditional picnic fare and exotic middle-eastern delicacies: stuffed grape leaves, skewered meat, roasted vegetables, and a lot of etc.
The weather was, in a word, fine. Which is not always the case.
The semi-official section photojournalist, Vic Lewchenko, was in atttendance and able to capture the event. His shared Flickr photostream of the event is available, so you can delight in further images from the picnic if you wish.
Sheryl Loux, the current Coordinator for the Science Fair Chemistry Awards will be out of the country for the April 29, 2015 Greater St. Louis Science Fair at Queeny Park. A volunteer is needed to coordinate our judges. Skills needed: good facility with Excel spreadsheet data sorting and printing, willing to serve as phone contact and equipment needed will be computer with color printer. All award books, certificates, etc. will already be available. Judge solicitation will already have taken place. Sheryl will help with whatever training you wish. You will be responsible to make any newly needed nametags for judges, printing judges’ thank-you certificates to bring, bringing all needed items to the fair, coordinating judges assignments, ensuring awards are recorded correctly, keeping a copy of the awardees and turning in all awards to organizers for distribution.
Also in the future, anyone wanting to co-chair to move into becoming the Coordinator for the Science fair Chemistry Awards would be welcomed.
Please contact Sheryl Loux via email (sjloux@gmail.com) to volunteer. For questions, call her at 636-237-5149
How sweet it is...this years theme for NCW is "The Sweet Side of Chemistry". Celebration of this public outreach event will be on October 25 at the St. Louis Science Center. Participants and volunteers needed to sweeten up our Chemistry Expo to the way chemistry affects our everyday life. To join us at this event or if you have any questions, contact Greg Wall, email: gwall37@msn.com
St Louis SectionACS Board of Directors meets the second Thursday of each month, usually at the Glen Echo Country Club (map and driving directions). Meetings are open to all members, and all are encouraged to attend. Elected officers and chairs of major committees vote on questions put to the Board; others in attendance have voice but no vote.
If you want to attend for dinner, please contact the section Chair at least a week in advance. Usual cost of the dinner is $25 ($12 for post-docs and unemployed members). Members wishing to become active in section activities are welcomed for their first dinner as guests of the section.
Date: September 11
Social hour: 5:30 pm
Business meeting: 6:30 pm (suspended for dinner when served)
Future meetings: October 9, November 13, December 11
Seminars are on Fridays at 12 noon in Carlo Auditorium, Tegeler Hall, unless noted otherwise. Refreshments follow. For more information, contact Jim Edwards, jedward5@slu.edu.
September 12
Steven Ray
Indiana University
Distance of Flight Mass Spectrometry: Developing a New Approach for Mass Separation and Analysis
September 19
Richard Crooks
University of Texas at Austin
Teaching an Old Dog a Few New Tricks: Hollow Channels, Sliding Paper, and Non-Enzymatic Amplification for Disposable Electrochemical Sensors
September 26
Holden Thorp
Washington University
Mondays at 4 pm in 451 Benton Hall, unless otherwise specified. Refreshments 15 minutes prior to seminar time. For more information, contact the Chemistry Department, 314.516.5311.
September 15
Henry C. Foley
University of Missouri Columbia
The Design and Preparation of a New Shape Selective Pt-C Cat with High Effectiveness for Liquid Phase Reactions
September 22
Gregory K. Friestad
University of Iowa
Taming Free Radicals: Radical Polar Crossover and other Approaches for Asymmetric Synthesis of Bioactive Compounds
September 29
Chrys Wesdemiotis
University of Akron
Seminars are in McMillen 311 at 4 pm unless otherwise noted. For information, contact: Liviu Mirica, mirica@wustl.edu.
September 4
Chung-Yuan Mou
National Taiwan University
Nanoscale Therapeutics and Diagnostics
September 5
Chung-Yuan Mou
National Taiwan University
Mimicking Copper Enzymes
September 18
Hao Xu
Georgia State University
Searching for New Reactivity: Iron-Catalyzed Stereoselective Nitrogen Atom Transfer Reactions for Olefin Difunctionalization
September 25
Jennifer Heemstra
University of Utah
Harnessing Nucleic Acid Molecular Recognition and Self-Assembly for Biosensing and Biomolecular Imaging
The Chemical Bond is published at www.stlacs.org January through May and September through December by the St Louis Section–American Chemical Society. If you would like to receive email notification when each issue is posted, you can subscribe to the bond.remind listserv. You can also follow the link to “Manage bond.remind options” from the home page at www.stlacs.org.
If you use an RSS reader, you can subscribe to our RSS feed, which includes notices of Chemical Bond issues and timely postings about chemistry-related events in the Saint Louis area.
Editor | Eric Ressner | 314.962.6415 editor@stlacs.org |
Associate Editor | Greg Cushing | 314.691.4229 editor@stlacs.org |
Asst Editor & Advertising Mgr | Sue Saum | 314.513.4808 advmgr@stlacs.org |
Business Manager | Donna Friedman | 314.513.4388 bizmgr@stlacs.org |
Correspondence, letters to the editor, etc., should be emailed to editor@stlacs.org Copyright © 2014 American Chemical Society and the St Louis SectionACS |