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Chemical Bond title
Volume 64, Number 8 November, 2013

In this issue

go to Continuity Dinner: reserve and refresh

go to Nominate for two awards

go to Kids & Chemistry events with pics

go to Merit Badge clinic at 9 (years old)

go to Bond Briefs • Career Management Seminar on presentation skills

go to Meetings and Seminars

go to About the Chemical Bond

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next contents It’s Continuity Dinner time: reserve and refresh

banquet icon

The December Board of Directors meeting is also our Continuity Dinner, a fancier than usual affair to celebrate the year’s achievements, recognize certain members, announce the Distinguished Service Award (conferred in March), and pass the gavel to the incoming section officers. And then there is the Henry Godt Memorial Lecture, lightly and briefly (we promise: briefly) recapping the past year, which is given by a surprise speaker.

There will be a General Meeting of the Section to vote on ... well, come and find out. And there are almost always some new and old members whom we see only at this event. So come!

Please join us: Thursday, December 12
Branica-Frontenac, 10411 Clayton Rd, St Louis, MO 63131 (map), in the Plaza Frontenac complex at Clayton Road and Lindbergh Blvd
5:30 pm social hour with cash bar
6:30 pm dinner, meeting, and Continuity events

Cost of dinner is $24. Please register by Dec 9 at goo.gl/6WkWJH and mail your check to:

Vic Lewchenko
354 Larkhill Ct
Webster Groves, MO 63119

Chemir Associates placement

next previous contents Reminder! Reminder! Reminder!

trophy clip art: St Louis best of the year

(picture the title flashing with intermittently excited neon and argon fluorescence emissions)

Nominations for two of our featured section awards are still being accepted into December. The Chemical Science and Technology Award recognizes outstanding contributions by a non-PhD chemist, and the High School Chemistry Teacher-of-the-Year Award recognizes ... just what it says.

If you know of a deserving colleague, or perhaps your child’s teacher who stands out and merits recognition, don’t pass up this opportunity to give them their chance at a nice helping of fame and a little bit of fortune.

micron inc. placement


American Polymer Standards Corporation
8680 Tyler Boulevard, Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: 440-255-2211 Fax: 440-255-8397

next previous contents Kids & Chemistry ... reaching waaay out!

Kids & Chemistry had a busy October with two major outreach events:

Kids & Chemistry got a jump on Halloween and did a little chemistry with the Boy Scouts at their “Fright Fest” event on Saturday, October 12. About 760 Scouts and siblings (you read that right: seven hundred sixty) participated. The final event of their “Fright Fest” journey was to prepare “pumpkin slime” (orange gluep) and “boogers” (green gluep) and examine their properties. Scoutmasters and parents commented on how cute their kids looked in their safety glasses while participating. There are more photos, if you can fight the fright.

Sheryl Loux, coordinator for Kids & Chemistry, thanks Lisa Balbes, Ellen Aufenthie, Tye Walker, and Scouts’ event planner Kim Coleman for their help.

Scout and sib making boogers (green gluep)

“Cute” in their safety glasses, right?!

... and ...

Kids & Chemistry helped celebrate National Chemistry Week at the Saint Louis Science Center on October 26. The K & C group staffed three tables: Enzymes for Digestion and Cleaning, led by Sheryl Loux; Starch Scavenger Hunt testing which foods and materials contain starch, led by Chris Glass; and Crushing Cans exploring states of matter, led by Don Sartor. There was a DNA poster displayed with hands-on models of DNA.

Approximately 600 parents and kids participated with us at our tables. Sheryl J Loux, K & C coordinator (sjloux@gmail.com)would like to thank volunteers GSM Sundaram, Pegah Jalili, Ann Feil, Jeff Cornelius, Shadi Ansari, Nilantha Bandara, Melinda Hillig, Don Sartor, and Chris Glass.

Sam Tadrus is helped by Chris Glass to do the Starch Scavenger Hunt at the St Louis Science Center

Ann Feil and Jeff Cornelius teaching Enzymes Aid Digestion and Cleaning

Pegah Jalili, Ann Feil, and Sheryl Loux explain about Enzymes Aid Digestion and Cleaning

Don Sartor and GSM Sundaram demonstrate Crushing Cans

McKendree University logo

Part-time Chemistry Instructors
at McKendree University

McKendree University is seeking part-time instructors for two classes beginning January 2014:

Master’s degree required. Please send a cover letter, résumé, transcripts and three letters of reference to Shirley A. Rentz, Director of Human Resources, at hr@mckendree.edu. Reference job #CHE71 for the College Chemistry II Lab and #ORG72 for the Organic Chemistry lecture/lab. Visit our website at www.mckendree.edu. EEO/ADA. Review of applications will begin immediately.

next previous contents Merit Badge Clinic

The the 9th Chemistry Merit Badge Clinic was hosted by Jost Chemical Company, and attended by a full house of 48 scouts.

The scouts participated in an introduction to the four classical fields of chemistry (by Ziad Ramadan, 2013 St Louis Section–ACS Chair) and a safety presentation (by Mark Mans, Jost Chemical). They then rotated through four 45-minute stations (each run by two professional chemists), during which they made a cartesian diver, learned about separations, MSDSs, abrasives, emulsions and mixtures, and took a tour of a working chemical manufacturing plant. During lunch, the boys took part in interactive demos put on by the SLU chemistry club and met individually with approved merit badge counselors.

Ziad Ramadan has the rapt attention of (most of) the scouts for his intro to the traditional branches of chemistry

Mark Mans helps scouts don their “safe chemist” costumes in the PPE intro

Lisa Balbes doing something paperworky with some of the scouts in attendance

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4134 Rider Trail, St. Louis, MO 63045

next previous contents Bond Briefs

Career Management Seminar on presentation skills

Presentation Skills is a risky topic to do a presentation about: the scrutiny is withering. But two presenters will do just that as the meat of the November Career Management Seminar on November 7. The venue is a new one for the series, so be sure to take note of the location: the Innovative Technology Enterprises (ITE) center at UMSL (which is not actually at UMSL: see map).

Guests may park across the street from the building. Parking is free and there is no need for a parking pass.

Event outline:

No charge to attend, but please register by November 6: registration, directions and parking info here.

Contact ycc@stlacs.org if you have any questions.

next previous contents meetings and seminars

Board of Directors

St Louis Section–ACS Board of Directors meets the second Thursday of each month, usually at the Glen Echo Country Club (map and driving directions). Meetings are open to all members, and all are encouraged to attend. Elected officers and chairs of major committees vote on questions put to the Board; others in attendance have voice but no vote.

If you want to attend for dinner, please contact the section Chair at least a week in advance. Usual cost of the dinner is $24 ($12 for post-docs and unemployed members). Members wishing to become active in section activities are welcomed for their first dinner as guests of the section.

Date: Nov 14
Social hour: 5:30 pm
Business meeting: 6:30 pm (suspended for dinner when served)
Future meetings: Dec 12 (Continuity Dinner; see special reservation info above); Jan 9

Saint Louis University

Seminars are on Fridays at 12 noon in Carlo Auditorium, Tegeler Hall, unless noted otherwise. Refreshments follow. For more information, contact Jim Edwards, jedward5@slu.edu.

Nov 1
Gary Patti, Washington University
Metabolomics: New paradigms for old reactions

Nov 8
Yoonsang Cho, Saint Louis University
Structure-function studies of a pro-inflammatory cytokine MIF

Nov 15
Stephen Weber, University of Pittsburgh
Integration of sampling and separations: The pursuit of rapid, online, low-volume, high-sensitivity analysis

Nov 22
Dmitri Nusinow, Danforth Plant Science Center
Circadian regulation of physiology

University of Missouri–St Louis

Mondays at 4 pm in 451 Benton Hall, unless otherwise specified. Refreshments 15 minutes prior to seminar time. For more information, contact the Chemistry Department, 314.516.5311.

Nov 4
Matthieu Sollogoub, Université Pierre et Marie Curie–Paris, Sorbonne Université
Regioselective reactions on cyclodextrins

Nov 11
Jeffrey Johnston, Vanderbilt University

Nov 18
Daniel Quinn, University of Iowa

Washington University

Seminars are in McMillen 311 at 4 pm unless otherwise noted. For information, contact: Liviu Mirica, mirica@wustl.edu.

Nov 7
Mei Hong, Iowa State University
Elucidating the structure and mechanism of the influenza M2 proton channel using solid-state NMR

Nov 14
Theodor Agapie, California Institute of Technology
Synthetic cluster models of biological and heterogeneous active sites for oxygen evolution

Nov 21
Jonathan Sweedler, University of Illinois
Analytical tools for understanding brain chemistry

previous contents About the Chemical Bond

The Chemical Bond is published at www.stlacs.org January through May and September through December by the St Louis Section–American Chemical Society. If you would like to receive email notification when each issue is posted, you can subscribe to the bond.remind listserv. You can also follow the link to “Manage bond.remind options” from the home page at www.stlacs.org.

If you use an RSS reader, you can subscribe to our  RSS feed, which includes notices of Chemical Bond issues and timely postings about chemistry-related events in the Saint Louis area.

Editor Eric Ressner 314.962.6415
Asst Editor & Advertising Mgr Sue Saum 314.513.4808
Business Manager Donna Friedman 314.513.4388

Correspondence, letters to the editor, etc., should be emailed to editor@stlacs.org
or mailed ℅ St Louis Section–ACS, PO Box 410192, Saint Louis, MO 63141-0192

Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society and the St Louis Section–ACS