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Chemical Bond title
Volume 64, Number 2 February, 2013

In this issue

go to Joyce Brown is HSCToY

go to Mike Hauser honored by SLCC–Meramec faculty

go to Recognition Night: reserve now!

go to Nominate for St Louis and Midwest Awards

go to Budget 2013: executive summary

go to Judge at a science fair (or two)

go to Bring your chem students to Career Day

go to Report from LDF: Execution, the seminar

go to Bond Briefs • Battle of the Burets is on • As is the High School Chemistry Contest • The Next Big Thing? • Chemists Celebrate Earth Day • Pharmacognosy Society meets here in July

go to Meetings and Seminars

go to About the Chemical Bond

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next contents Joyce Brown, Washington MO School District, is HSCToY

Joyce Brown, 2013 High School Chemistry Teacher-of-the-Year

The winner of the 2012-2013 Award for High School Chemistry Teaching is Joyce Brown from the School District of Washington.

Mrs Brown has taught Chemistry I and Chemistry II at Washington High School for over 20 years and has served as Science Department Chairperson for the majority of her tenure. In 2008, she was recognized as the WINGS Educational Foundation Outstanding Teacher of the Year. In 1998, Washington MO Rotary Club honored her as the Outstanding Educator of the Year.

She is the National Honor Society sponsor, and has previously worked with students in Science Olympiad and Brain Bowl events. She is active in the local NEA chapter and with the Zion United Church of Christ in Union, MO. In her free time, she and her husband enjoy supporting the theatre and traveling to national parks.

UMSL placement

Graduate Studies in Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Missouri–St. Louis
Have you considered pursuing a graduate degree in Chemistry? Here at UMSL, the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry has a thriving graduate program that includes a Master of Science degree program, obtainable by completion of graduate-level courses. Classes for all graduate courses (for Ph.D. and Masters candidates) are held in the evenings with courses at the graduate level being available in organic, inorganic, physical and biochemistry. Evening classes allow our graduate students to work full time while taking courses. The department has a strong research emphasis as well as a dedication to teaching but is of medium size, allowing substantial interaction between faculty and students.

Masters Degrees can be obtained by graduate coursework only, MS (non-thesis), or by a combination of graduate coursework and research culminating in a written thesis, MS (thesis). These degree programs may be pursued on a full-time or part-time basis with entry to the program possible in August or January. The part-time MS (non-thesis) remains a particularly popular option for chemists with Bachelors degrees who are employed locally in St. Louis and are looking to upgrade their qualifications. Contact us by phone or e-mail for an application package, for more information or to arrange a visit to campus. Further information about the department can be found on our website: www.umsl.edu/chemistry/.

next previous contents ACS chemist delivers Faculty Lecture at SLCC–Meramec

Mike Hauser was honored by his SLCC–Meramic colleagues

Chemistry professor Michael Hauser presented the Faculty Lecture titled Teacher-Student InteREACTION, Establishing the Proper Chemistry in the Classroom to open the spring semester at St Louis Community College–Meramec January 7. Mike was selected by a committee of his peers to receive the highest honor bestowed on a member the Meramec faculty; Mike is the first chemist to receive this honor. He used the opportunity to talk about his teaching philosophy and the role of the community college in educating the public. The award includes a cash prize. Previously, Mike was also honored with the Emerson Excellence in Teaching Award (2002).

Mike received his BS and MS in chemistry from the University of Missouri–St Louis. In 1992, after eleven years as a research chemist at Monsanto, Mike turned his talents to teaching, with a position on the Physical Science faculty at St Louis Community College–Meramec. He has been active in the St Louis ACS Section serving as the College Awards Chair for the last 18 years. Mike and his wife Lynn are the proud parents of two teenage daughters Katrina and Rachel.


American Polymer Standards Corporation
8680 Tyler Boulevard, Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: 440-255-2211 Fax: 440-255-8397

next previous contents Recognition Night is March 9th: plan to attend and recognize....

banquet icon

You are cordially invited to attend the annual Recognition Night banquet, Saturday March 9, 2013, 5:30–9 pm.

The agenda beginis with a social hour with cash bar at 5:30, dinner at 6:30, with the program of recognitions following. Who is recognized?

We look forward to spending an enjoyable evening with colleagues and friends, and very much hope you can join us.

Where: Sapore Italian Café, 451 S Kirkwood Road, Kirkwood, MO 63122
Cost: $25 per person
Please reserve your place by Sunday, March 3. You can reserve on-line (preferred) or send the information below to:

Ziad Ramadan
Nestlé Research Center–St Louis
One Checkerboard Square
St Louis, MO 63164
email: Ziad.Ramadan@rd.nestle.com

Name(s) ______________________________________________________
Number attending ______ × $25 each = amount remitted $_______._____
Choice of entrée (number of each): tilapia ____ pasta ____ chicken ____

Make checks payable to St Louis Section–ACS, and mail to:

Vic Lewchenko
354 Larkhill Ct
Webster Groves, MO 63119

Chemir Associates placement

next previous contents Two iconic awards seeking nominees

One of our most important activities is recognizing excellence in the professions of chemistry. And two of the most important ways we do it are our signature awards: the St Louis Award and the Midwest Award. If you know any chemists who meets the eligibility criteria, don’t hide them under a bushel basket. Nominate!

Nominate for the St Louis Award

blue ribbon graphic

Nominations are solicited for the St Louis Award, which is sponsored by the Monsanto Company and administered by the St Louis Section–ACS. Nominees should be individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the profession of chemistry and demonstrated potential to further the advancement of the chemical profession. The awardee is selected by a review committee constituted by the St Louis Section–ACS. The award, consisting of a $1,500 honorarium and a plaque, is presented at the St Louis Award Banquet held in October during National Chemistry Week.

At the time of the nomination, nominees must not have previously received the Midwest Award or any national ACS-sponsored award. Nominees must be members or affiliates of the St Louis Section of the ACS. Nomination packets received by April 30 are considered for award presentation in October.

Nominations can be sent at any time to:

Joseph J H Ackerman
Department of Chemistry
Campus Box 1134
Washington University
One Brookings Drive
Saint Louis, Missouri 63130

Nominations should include a nominating letter, two or more seconding letters from individuals who have had a close professional affiliation with the nominee, a brief biography, a description of the nominee’s accomplishments, and a list of publications and patents. Additional details can be found on the St Louis Award web page.

Nominate for the Midwest Award

blue ribbon graphic

Your assistance is solicited in identifying candidates for the 2013 Midwest Award. The St Louis Section–ACS established the ACS Midwest Award in 1944. The award is conferred each year on a scientist who has made meritorious contributions to the advancement of pure or applied chemistry, chemical education, and the profession of chemistry. These contributions must have been made during a period of residence in the geographical area defined by the territories of the Local Sections that participate in the Midwest Regional Meeting of the ACS. Nominees can be from industry, academia, government, or those working in private practice, and they need not be members of the ACS.

The 2013 award will be presented at the 48th Midwest Regional ACS Meeting in Springfield, MO, October 16-19, 2013, hosted by the Ozark Section. Ceremonies, usually held on Thursday of the Meeting (October 17 this year), will feature a Midwest Award Symposium and the Midwest Award plenary lecture by the awardee. The award, consisting of a medallion and a cash honorarium, is presented by the St Louis Section Chair at the Midwest Awards Banquet. A condition of the award is that the recipient gives the Midwest Award Lecture and attends the Midwest Awards Banquet.

Nominations should consist of: a nominating letter and two or more seconding letters; a CV for the nominee; a brief biography for the nominee; and objective documentation regarding the outstanding achievements of the nominee. If the nominee is an academician, a list of persons who have received advanced degrees under her or his direction should be provided. Please submit nine copies of all nomination materials on or before April 1, 2013. Material postmarked by that day (April 1, 2013) or earlier will be accepted. If you have questions, or to submit a nomination, please contact:

Dr Jim O’Brien
Chair, 2013 ACS Midwest Award
ACS–St Louis Section
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Missouri–St Louis
One University Blvd
St Louis, MO 63121
email obrien@jinx.umsl.edu or phone 314.757.5717

micron inc. placement

next previous contents The budget is in for 2013

... though our Congresscritters are not so agreeable. big dollar sign

As is the case every year, the January board meeting was devoted primarily to discussion of budget items for the 2013 year of governance, service, and outreach activities. Kudos to the committee chairs for preparing budget requests that were reasonable and justifiable, and to the Steering Committee for putting it all together into an easily ponderable and acceptable package.

If you are new to perusing this annual Bond item, note that we always budget a modest deficit, but almost always underspend enough to break even or better. There is enough history of this happening that the practice is considered safe by the highly risk-averse financial moguls in the Section.

With but a few minor adjustments, the full budget was quickly passed by acclamation. We’ll spare you all the gory details, but the top-line summary of income and expenditures for 2013 will be as follows (with data from 2012 for comparison):


2013 Budget

2012 Budget

2012 Actual

Affiliate dues 55 55 50
Member dues 15,000 15,000 13,875
National ACS allotment 15,467 15,373 15,373
Other general income 3,579 0 8,165
New members 500 500 675
Total income 34,601 30,928 38,138


2013 Budget

2012 Budget

2012 Actual

Chair 280 280 82
Chair travel 500 500 610
Chair-elect 500 570 833
Chair-elect travel 340 270 (32)
Past Chair 0 0 0
Past Chair travel 800 800 0
Secretary 700 600 872
Treasurer 275 255 260
Officers subtotal 3,395 3,275 2,624
Other expenses
Board Meeting expenses 1,200 1,200 1,307
Councilors’ travel 5,000 4,000 3,894
Other expenses subtotal 6,200 5,200 5,201
Awards Committee 13,900 13,450 10,692
Education Committee 5,050 3,950 3,893
Professional Activities Committee 6,985 3,975 2,252
Program Committee 4,635 4,335 2,918
Publicity & Public Relations Committee 2,100 150 (1,043)
Special events 850 4,184 3,053
Total expenses 43,115 38,519 29,589
Surplus/(Deficit) (8,514) (7,591) 8,549


Materials Consulting
and Testing

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• Litigation Support
• Metallurgy
• Glass Failure
• Machinery Failure
• Failure Analysis


4134 Rider Trail, St. Louis, MO 63045

next previous contents  You can be a Science Fair judge!

for the St Louis Section’s Science Fair chemistry awards

Science Fair clipart

Volunteer for any or all of these opportunities by contacting Sheryl J Loux at 636.237.5149 or email sjloux@gmail.com. Time is getting short for the MO Tri-county Fair on Feb 23, so if you can make it, don’t wait to let Sheryl know.

Your participation as a judge would be greatly appreciated!

next previous contents Career Day for area schools: plan to bring your class

Professors Keith Stine and Jim O’Brien are pleased to invite area science educators and their students to ACS Career Day, tentatively Friday, May 3, 2013, 9 am–12 noon, at the University of Missouri–St Louis Chemistry and Biochemistry Department.

The aim is to introduce students to careers in chemistry and biochemistry: to hear about it and see it being done. After a brief introduction to What is Chemistry? and typical career options, graduate students will lead a tour of research laboratories and instrument facilities. The UMSL Chemistry Club will put on some chemistry demonstrations. And the morning will wrap up with a pizza-etc. lunch.

Your school schedule is likely already very crowded, but please consider how valuable this experience may be for your students as they weigh options for their future. If you want to bring a group to Career Day, please respond by Friday April 19, 2013, to either Donna Lemp (314.516.5313 or lempd@msx.umsl.edu) or Michelle Haley (314.516.5311 or haleym@umsl.edu); let us know how many students will accompany you so food and tour group arrangements may be made.

The day will involve a lot of events so please plan to be punctual. Our budget for this event does not include the cost of transportation for attendees, but free parking will be provided. Additional program details can be obtained from Keith Stine (314.516.5346 or kstine@umsl.edu) or Jim O’Brien (314.516.5717 or obrien@jinx.umsl.edu).

next previous contents LDF Module 2 has kicked off...

...but you can still join the fun.

Our Leadership Development Forum Module 2 kicked off on January 17: the seminar event on Execution: Translating Strategy into Action. It was held at the Connor Auditorium on Washington University Medical Campus, accented with a wonderful dinner from the Pasta House.

Steve Finkelstein (Experience on Demand) and Eric Haupfear (Monsanto) kept the audience captivated with their presentations and demonstration of good execution. Steve explained the necessary ingredients of effective execution, using the formula: Assessment + Alignment + Accountability + Action = Results; Eric Haupfear spoke of his experiences as a leader in executing projects large and small. After the presentations and Q&A, the attendees had a chance to network and socialize.

To see th presentation slides from the seminar event, please join our online discussion group.

For more information on the events of Module 2 and to register for the next event on February 21 (even if you didn’t attend the kick-off), visit the LDF webpage.

Steve Finkelstein explaining the 4As in execution formula, A+A+A+A=R

Steven Finkelstein and Eric Haupfear taking questions from the audience

next previous contents Bond Briefs

The Battle of the Burets is on for February 20

The St Louis Section–ACS and St Louis Community College–Florissant Valley are pleased to announce the another Battle of the Burets. This competition for high school chemistry students will match teams from local high schools against one another in a test of titration accuracy.

This year, the contest will begin promptly at 6 pm on Wednesday, February 20, at SLCC–Florissant Valley. For more information on how to enter a team from your high school, contact:

Bruce Ritts

Yet more competition: high school chemistry contest on March 9 (or 8)

Although the contest is a purely individual competition, plan to bring a team. For students who cannot attend the Saturday, March 9, session, the alternative is the previous day: Friday, March 8, 4–6:30 pm, at the same location.

Students compete in two divisions, Advanced and Regular: Regular is for first-year chemistry students in other than advanced placement classes; Advanced Division is for all others. The Advanced Division exam is a qualifying exam for the National Chemistry Olympiad Exam given on April 13.

Winning students and their teachers will be recognized at the St Louis Section ACS Awards Night (date, time, and place to be determined).

Rules, request for proctors, and registration materials have been sent to contacts at all area high schools. Registrations are due by February 22. For any questions, if you have not received materials, or to volunteer as a proctor, contact Myron Reese at McKendree College.

The next big thing?

... This item in the Jan 21 issue of C&E News, quoting the teaser:

Arrays of copper oxide nanowires can convert CO2 to methanol with high efficiency in a solar-powered electrochemical device, according to researchers at the University of Texas, Arlington (Chem. Commun., DOI: 10.1039/c2cc38068d). The study may lead to methods that use low-cost, Earth-abundant materials to transform CO2 into fuels or chemical raw materials.

Maybe we’re being a little naïve or jumping the gun, but it seems like this could be the first hints of the beginnings of a whole new thing in renewable energy. There’s a ton of solid-state quantum photo-electrochemistry (or something) in just the abstract, so we bio- and orgo-chemists are soon out of our depth. Don’t you wish Shelley Minteer was still around, so we could ask her what we should think of it?

Chemists celebrate Earth Day (why shouldn’t we?)

In 2013, Chemists Celebrate Earth Day on April 20, 2013, from 10 am until 4 pm at the Saint Louis Science Center, Dinosaur Overlook. This year’s theme is Rethink Recycling: It is easy to be Green. While we can all incorporate green behaviors, chemists can do more: it is time to rethink your role as a chemist and volunteer for this annual public outreach program. By participating in this event you can share your passion and knowlege of chemistry with the community, and maybe influence others greenward. To volunteer, contact Greg Wall at gwall37@msn.com.

ASP meets here in July

The American Society of Pharmacognosy is meeting in St Louis, July 14–17, 2013, at the Hyatt Regency at the Arch. If your research interests run toward natural products as sources or leads for pharmaceutical development, this is for you. The agenda features an outstanding lineup of experts presenting the latest information on the science of natural products, and meeting organizers are expecting at least 500 attendees.

For questions, check out the meeting website. For more questions, email Mark O’Neil-Johnson or phone 314.373.5181 x104.

David W C Macmillan portrait

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
University of Missouri–St. Louis


The Sixteenth Annual
Robert W. Murray Lecture

David W. C. Macmillan

James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry,
Chairman, Department of Chemistry and Director of the Merck Center for Catalysis
at Princeton University

will speak on

Photoredox catalysis in organic synthesis

1:00 pm Friday March 15, 2013
104 Stadler Hall

Professor Macmillan has received many significant awards including a Sloan Fellowship, a Camille and Henry Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar Award, the Corday Morgan Medal of the Royal Society of Chemistry, the ACS Cope Scholar award, and the ACS award for Creative Work in Organic Synthesis, and in 2012 he was elected Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and Fellow of the Royal Society. He is an organic chemist with research interests in enantioselective catalysis, new reaction methodology and natural product synthesis.

Parking is available in the West Drive parking garage.

next previous contents meetings and seminars

Board of Directors

St Louis Section–ACS Board of Directors meets the second Thursday of each month, usually at the Glen Echo Country Club (Map to Glen Echo CC map). Meetings are open to all members, and all are encouraged to attend. Elected officers and chairs of major committees vote on questions put to the Board; others in attendance have voice but no vote.

If you want to attend for dinner, please contact the section Chair at least a week in advance. Usual cost of the dinner is $24 ($12 for post-docs and unemployed members). Members wishing to become active in section activities are welcomed for their first dinner as guests of the section.

Date: Feb 21
at The Edge, next to Covidien in Webster Groves (map) Meeting time: 5:00 pm
Dinner: 6:00 pm
The special date, time, duration, and location are planned to allow sharing dinner and a follow-up event with the Leadership Development Forum discussion, which begins right after dinner and should be over by 9 pm.
Future meetings: Mar 14, Apr 11

Saint Louis University

Seminars are on Fridays at 12 noon in Carlo Auditorium, Tegeler Hall, unless noted otherwise. Refreshments follow. For more information, contact Ryan McCulla, rmccull2@slu.edu.

Feb 1
Kent Gates, University of Missouri–Columbia
Interstrand DNA-DNA cross-links generated by abasic sites in DNA: formation and potential biological relevance

Feb 8
Yinfa Ma, Missouri University of Science and Technology
Urinary Cancer Biomarker Discovery by Using Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry

Feb 15
Barbara Golden, Purdue University
An Integrated Picture of HDV Ribozyme Catalysis

Mar 1
Travis Holman, Georgetown University

University of Missouri–St Louis

Mondays at 4 pm in 451 Benton Hall, unless otherwise specified. Refreshments 15 minutes prior to seminar time. For more information, contact the Chemistry Department, 314.516.5311.

Feb 11
John Talley, SARmont
Discovery of COX-2 inhibitors

Feb 18
Dennis Whitfield, National Research Council Canada
Scaling up oligosaccharide synthesis

Feb 25
David Ferguson, University of Minnesota
Imidazoquinoline-based cancer vaccine adjuvants

Washington University

Seminars are in McMillen 311 at 4 pm unless otherwise noted. For information, contact: Liviu Mirica, mirica@wustl.edu.

Feb 7
Christopher Cramer, University of Minnesota
Mechanistic characterization of homogeneous catalytic processes for water splitting and CO2 reduction

Feb 21
Marcey Waters, University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill
Peptides and small molecules as tools for study in biomolecular recognition

Feb 28
Ellen Fisher, Colorado State University
Deciphering complex systems: Toward molecular level understanding of mechanisms for plasma polymerization and surface modification of polymers

Leopold Marcus Lecture
Feb 28, 11 am and Mar 1, 11 am
Ad Bax, National Institutes of Health
Titles TBA

previous contents About the Chemical Bond

The Chemical Bond is published at www.stlacs.org January through May and September through December by the St Louis Section–American Chemical Society. If you would like to receive email notification when each issue is posted, you can subscribe to the bond.remind listserv. You can also follow the link to “Manage bond.remind options” from the home page at www.stlacs.org.

If you use an RSS reader, you can subscribe to our  RSS feed, which includes notices of Chemical Bond issues and timely postings about chemistry-related events in the Saint Louis area.

Editor Eric Ressner 314.962.6415
Asst Editor & Advertising Mgr Sue Saum 314.513.4808
Business Manager Donna Friedman 314.513.4388

Correspondence, letters to the editor, etc., should be emailed to editor@stlacs.org
or mailed ℅ St Louis Section–ACS, PO Box 410192, Saint Louis, MO 63141-0192

Copyright © 2013 American Chemical Society and the St Louis Section–ACS