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Chemical Bond title
Volume 62, Number 7 October, 2011

In this issue

go to Midwest Award 2012 goes to Xiao Cheng Zeng

go to Election 2012: preview the candidates

go to Reminder: St Louis Award symposium and banquet

go to Midwest Regional Meeting final preparations (ours and yours)

go to Awards seeking outstanding nominees

go to Seeking retirees to train for outreach

go to Bond Briefs: NCW update

go to Meetings and Seminars

go to About the Chemical Bond

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next contents  Midwest Award to Xiao Cheng Zeng of Nebraska–Lincoln

portrait of Xiao Cheng Zeng, Midwest Award winner

Xiao Cheng Zeng of The University of Nebraska–Lincoln wins 2011 Midwest Award

Xiao Cheng Zeng, Ameritas Distinguished University Professor of Chemistry at University of Nebraska–Lincoln, is internationally known for his computational studies of new phases of ice, gold, and silicon clusters, and nanostructured materials. Zeng is a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and a fellow of the American Physical Society. He has also held a John Simon Guggenheim fellowship and a fellowship of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science. He has received numerous awards and honors, including University of Nebraska Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award, Sigma Xi Outstanding Young Scientist Award, and an inaugural Willa Cather professorship at UNL.

Zeng has published 271 scientific papers in refereed journals including two in Nature, nine in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, and twenty-four in Journal of the American Chemical Society. The most significant scientific discoveries from the Zeng group include the two-dimensional hexagonal bilayer ice ("Nebraska ice"), two-dimensional ice clathrate, multi-walled helical ice, one-dimensional ferroelectric ice, and hollow cages of gold. These findings were featured in the New York Times, Omaha World-Herald, Lincoln Journal-Star, Royal Society of Chemistry, American Scientist magazine, New Scientist magazine, and National Public Radio.

A faculty member since 1993 at UNL, Zeng has supervised 20 graduate students (16 PhD and 4 MS) and 19 postdoctoral fellows. Eight former PhD graduate students in the Zeng group received University of Nebraska, College of Arts & Science, and/or Department of Chemistry Outstanding Graduate Research Assistant awards. Zeng received his bachelor’s degree from Peking University in 1984 and his PhD from the Ohio State University in 1989. He pursued postdoctoral research at University of Chicago and UCLA from 1989 to 1993.

The Awards Banquet will be at the Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting in St Louis on Thursday, October 20th, honoring Dr Zeng and other award winners. You can attend the banquet even if you decide not to attend the meeting. Fill out the event-only registration form (be sure to make your menu selection) and submit it as instructed.

Chemir Associates placement

next previous contents Section elections for 2012 officers

In last year’s first-ever electronic election, more than twice as many ballots were cast as in previous conventional elections. That’s a very good outcome. Please continue (or start) to show your interest in the Section’s governance and vote (again) this year.

Every eligible member with an email address on file will receive a personalized message no later than October 10th, and likely much sooner. The link in your email gives you access to the voting platform and assures that we receive ballots only from eligible voters, and only one from each.

If you have not received your voter email by October 10, please let us know. Email election@stlacs.org: please provide your full name, email address, and (if not too much trouble), your member number from a recent issue of C&E News.

You will have until October 31 to cast your ballot. Please vote! Even though most positions are uncontested, casting a vote is a great way to tell the members who work so hard on Section business that you care about what they do. You will be able to access these candidate biographies during the voting process.

Candidates for elective office:

portrait of Ziad Ramadan

Ziad Ramadan

portrait of Sean Dingman

Sean Dingman

portrait of Vic Lewchenko

Vic Lewchenko


Ziad Ramadan, research scientist, Nestlé Research Centre–St Louis

Service to the Section: Chair, Education Committee (2010–present)


Sean D Dingman, Sigma-Aldrich, SAFC Hitech Business Unit

Service to the Section: participated in several local ACS functions, including YCC and speaker events; Treasurer, St Louis Section YCC (1999)


Vic Lewchenko, IT consultant, Technisource

Service to the Section: chemistry merit badge clinic presenter (2007-2009, 2011); Treasurer (2011).

Other ACS service: president, student chapter, Drexel University.

Councilor (vote for one)

Donna G Friedman, Professor of Chemistry and Department Chair, St Louis Community College–Florissant Valley

Service to the Section includes: Business Manger, Chemical Bond (1983-1985, 1999-2011); Treasurer (1986-1987); Awards Committee Chair (1988); College Awards Subcommittee Chair (1989-1990); Steering Committee (1990-1993, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2006); “Proud to be a Chemist” event Co-chair (1991); National Chemistry Week Acting Coordinator (1991); Chair succession (1991-1993); Director (1993); Bylaws Committee Chair (1993, 1994, 2009, 2010); National Chemistry Week Coordinator (1994); Science Fair Subcommittee Chair (1995); Audit Committee Chair (1996-2011); Investment Trustee (1999-2004); Parliamentarian (2002-2005); Undergraduate Research Symposium Chair (2005); Division of Chemical Technicians: Education Committee Chair (1994-1996); Bylaw Committee Chair and Parliamentarian (2003-2006); Treasurer (2007-2008)

Service to national ACS: Councilor (1994-2008); Council Committee on Technician Activities (1991-1994, 2006-2007); Council Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (1994-2000, 2008-2011); Council Committee on Membership Affairs (2001-2008); District V Councilors Caucus Secretary (1997-2002); ACS Career Consultant (2006-11). In the Division of Chemical Technicians: Education Committee Chair (1994-1996); Bylaw Committee Chair and Parliamentarian (2003-2006); Treasurer (2007-2008)

Theodore C Gast, professionally affiliated with the Carl F Gast Company, Arch Paper LLC, and Soulard Artists’ Guild

Service to the Section includes: Alternate Councilor (2011-present); Exposition Co-Chair for 2011 Joint MWRM/GLRM; Chemistry Ambassador (2010-present); Chair succession (2004-2006); hosted ACS president Bill Carroll on Whirlwind Tour and Chemical Round Table; the development and promotion of Kids & Chemistry since its inception in 1996; Science Fair judge in the past; liaison for TIE (Teachers Industry and Environment)(1996-2007), SAS (Society for Applied Spectroscopy), and AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers); member of the Audit Committee (2005-2007); National Chemistry Week; Chemical Progress Week; Earth Day and International Year of Chemistry activities (2011). Recently involved in fundraising activities for the Section through the American Chemistry Council (November 2002–present); Nominations Committee; Treasurer (2007-2010); Investment Committee (2007-2010); provides industrial leadership for the section.

Alternate Councilor (vote for one)

Hal Harris, Professor of Chemistry, University of Missouri–St Louis

Service to the Section includes: Chair succession (1993-1995); Director (numerous years); Alternate Councilor (2011–present); Investment Committee Chair (several years); in the interest of bringing a better public understanding and appreciation of chemistry through responses to distortions in the media, has for several years headed a committee for that purpose in the section.

Directors (vote for up to three)

Keith J Stine, Professor of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Missouri–St Louis

Service to the Section: Director (2001, 2010-2011); Chair succession (2007-2009); Secretary (2002-2006); Alternate Councilor (1997-1999); Career Day co-organizer (2001-2011); Program Chair, 35th Midwest Regional Meeting (2000); Program Chair, 46th Midwest/39th Great Lakes Regional Meeting (2011); Project SEED Coordinator at University of Missouri–Saint Louis (2009-2011); Younger Chemists Committee Advisor (2008-2011); Fundraising Subcommittee Chair (2008-2011); Surface Science Discussion Group Chair (1993-1999); Materials Chemistry Discussion Group Chair (2000); Saint Louis Award Chair (1998-2000); Midwest Award Chair (1993); Distinguished Service Award (2010)

Eric Ressner, technical information specialist, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (retired), and Principal, SOS Chemical Information Services LLC

Service to the Section: Editor, Chemical Bond (1995-2003, 2009-present); Director (2003-04, 2006-present); Webmaster (2004-present); webmaster for Midwest Regional Meeting (2011); Salute to Excellence (2003); Distinguished Service Award (2009)

Samir El-Antably, founder and President, Camela Medical Equipment Company

Service to the Section: chair of several committees; Director; Alternate Councilor; Chair succession (1981-83); Distinguished Service Award (1996)

Sigma-Aldrich Corp. placement

next previous contents St Louis Award Symposium and Banquet

One last helpful reminder of the festivities honoring the 2011 St Louis Award recipient, Dr Lucinda Buhse, Director, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis (DPA) in St Louis, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), US Food & Drug Administration (FDA). It’s not too late to plan to attend the symposium, and reserve a spot at the table for the banquet.

St Louis Award Symposium

Friday, October 14 at 2 pm
Department of Chemistry, Louderman Hall Room 458, Washington University

2:00 Dr Jeff Cornelius, Principia College; Chair, St Louis Section–ACS: Welcome and general introductions
2:05 Dr Steven Kinsley, Washington University: Introduction of Dr Buhse
2:10 Dr Lucinda Buhse, Director, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food & Drug Administration, Saint Louis and 2011 St Louis Award Recipient: General remarks & introduction of Dr d’Avignon
  Dr D André d’Avignon, Washington University, symposium chair
2:15 Dr Moheb M. Nasr, Office of New Drug Quality Assessment, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, US Food & Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD
Development and implementation of global pharmaceutical quality standards: International Conference of Harmonisation (ICH)
3:00 Dr Susan Strahan, Goddard Earth Science & Technology Center, Universities Space Research Association, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Greenbelt, MD
Stratospheric ozone in the 21st century: are chemistry-climate model predictions credible?
3:45 Refreshment break
4:15 Dr Jeffrey Owrutsky, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC
Spectroscopy and dynamics of nanosystems
5:15–6:30 Reception adjacent to the symposium room
Parking: use Washington University’s multilevel Millbrook Garage located on Throop Drive. The symposium site, Louderman Hall, is adjacent to the southeast corner of Millbrook Garage. October 14 is during fall break, so ample parking will be available. Throop Drive can be accessed directly off Forest Park (aka Millbrook) Blvd or by entering Snow Way from Big Bend Blvd. A campus map is available at parking.wustl.edu/parkingmap_2010.pdf (pdf, 3.3 MB). Millbrook Garage is #85 and Louderman Hall is #65 on this map. Room 458 is at the east end of Louderman Hall.

St Louis Award Banquet

banquet icon

Saturday, October 15, at Glen Echo Country Club, 3401 Lucas & Hunt Road, St Louis, MO 63121. Driving directions on the Glen Echo website.
6:30 pm cocktails (open bar), 7:00 pm dinner, 8:00 pm program

Dinner menu:
Hors d’oeuvres: sausage-stuffed mushrooms, candied bacon
First course: mixed green salad, choice of dressing
Entrée: roasted tenderloin with shrimp scampi style, starch, and vegetable
One glass of wine with dinner
Dessert: cherries jubilee

Please send reservations by October 12th to:

Lawrence Barton, Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
315 Benton Hall (MC 27)
University of Missouri–St Louis
Saint Louis, MO 63121
email lbarton@umsl.edu
phone 314.516.5334
fax 314.516.5342

Make checks payable to St Louis Section–ACS and note any special dietary limitations:

Name(s) _______________________________________________________

Number attending _____ × $55 each = amount remitted $______________

Special dietary limitations, if any ___________________________________

Huffman Laboratories placement

next previous contents  Midwest Regional Meeting 2011

MWRM2011 logo

This will be the last preview article on the 2011 Midwest Regional ACS Meeting. The dates of the actual event are 19–22 October right here in St Louis, and just about all the preparations are done. With 13 special-topic symposia, over 630 oral and poster presentations, and an overflow Exposition with 22 academic and at least 25 vendor exhibitors right in your backyard, you don’t want to miss this event. The early registration deadline is already past, but for a few dollars more, you can still attend.

The meeting website is continually updated with the latest information on program, events, exhibitors, etc. The complete program is now posted to tempt you to register (if you haven’t already) and help you plan your agenda.

We especially want to remind you about this opportunity, and you don’t even have to register for the meeting to take advantage ....

Leadership Development Workshops at very special rates

Two ACS Leadership Development Workshops are offered at the ACS Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting. The courses were developed for ACS leadership, but the skills learned are transferable to your workplace. Professional chemists and teachers are encouraged to attend. ACS grants to the meeting host sections (St Louis and Wabash Valley) allow us to offer these workshops at significantly reduced fees—a huge 90% off the regular fee—in order to encourage wide participation. Each course is $15 for members, $30 for non-members, and $5 for unemployed members, students, teachers. Even if you don’t register for general admission to the Regional Meeting, you can attend one or both of these courses. Just go to the ACS Leadership Development web page. For more information, contact Alexa Serfis, barnoski@slu.edu or 314.977.3241. The registration deadline, space permitting, is October 20th, but if minimum enrollment is not reached by October 7th, the workshops will be cancelled. So we encourage you to register early!

Welcome to the 2011 Joint Midwest–Great Lakes Regional ACS Meeting!

Three years ago when we agreed to organize the 2011 Midwest Regional Meeting, it seemed so far away—now the countdown has started and final preparations are underway. As you are probably aware, 2011 has been designated by the United Nations as the International Year of Chemistry. Our theme, Solutions for a Changing World: Celebrating the International Year of Chemistry, highlights the ways that chemists are an important, integral component of the world’s economic and educational systems.

The Program Chair and Symposium Chairs have worked hard to bring you a comprehensive program of current chemical research, with 14 special symposia and 8 multi-day threads on traditional chemistry topics. We will have as many as 10 parallel sessions; with your national ACS login, you can use the Itinerary Builder to plan your attendance minute by minute, so you don’t miss the talks and posters that interest you most. Many students will be presenting their research for the very first time; one of our goals has been to provide a stage for cutting-edge research in a student-friendly environment.

The Exposition Committee has gathered a record-breaking number of scientific vendors, as well as numerous graduate school representatives from Arizona to South Carolina. The Exposition Hall is also the poster place. Be sure to look for the special posters on IYC 2011: International Trends and Practices in Chemistry, where international chemists are showcasing research, the chemical industry, and chemical education trends in their home countries.

St Louis Section members have always been supportive of regional ACS meetings. Although we have an organizing committee, it is the entire St Louis Section that truly hosts this event. We invite all of you to become involved through your attendance or by volunteering your time in support of the meeting. We are very proud of the program and many events that are planned. Please visit our website, www.mwrm2011.org, for all the information on program, special events, the Expo, and the hotel. We hope to see you there!

Leah C O’Brien, General Chair
2011 Joint Midwest-Great Lakes Regional Meeting

What do you mean, you’re not coming?

If, after all you’ve read above, you still decide it’s not worth registering for this meeting, you can still attend a few of the special events. In addition to the Leadership Development workshops trumpeted above, the Diversity Luncheon with ACS President Nancy Jackson (Thursday noon) and the Awards Banquet (Thursday evening) are open to local ACS members and their guests without registering for general attendance. Fill out the event-only registration form (be sure to make your menu selection) and submit it as instructed.

micron inc. placement

next previous contents Two important awards seek outstanding nominees

Chemical Science & Technology Award

The St Louis Chemical Science and Technology Award is presented to a chemist in the St Louis area who has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism and scientific contribution. Criteria used to judge the award include technical proficiency, presentations, coaching/teamwork, and additional professional activities. The award will consist of a plaque, a $500 honorarium, and dinner for the awardee and a guest at Recognition Night in March, 2012.

To be eligible, the nominee should have an Associate, Bachelor, or Masters degree in chemistry or a chemistry-related curriculum. The nominee need not be a St Louis Section–ACS member to be eligible.

Letters of nomination must be received by December 16 of the year preceding the award. The nominating letter should address the criteria above. A current work address, phone number, fax number, and email address should be provided for both the nominee and the nominator.

To submit a nomination, contact the Chemical Science and Technology Award coordinator, Adrienne Mazdra.

High School Chemistry Teacher of the Year

The St Louis Section–ACS is seeking nominations for the 2012 High School Chemistry Teaching Award. This award is to recognize, encourage, and stimulate outstanding teachers of high school chemistry within the St Louis Section. The award winner will receive a $500 check and a plaque, presented at an awards dinner and program next April.

Please consider nominating a teacher in the Greater St Louis Area who exemplifies excellence in the teaching of high school chemistry. The nomination packet must include the following items:

From the Nominee:

  1. the Nominee Information Form
  2. your current teaching assignment including course titles and grade levels. What is your involvement in extracurricular activities?
  3. on a separate sheet, a statement of not more than 500 words in which you present your teaching philosophy or otherwise describe your commitment to the profession.
  4. a curriculum vitae or résumé that includes a list of honors, professional activities, and additional evidence of service to the profession; limited to no more than two pages of activities within the last five years.

From the Nominator:

  1. the Nominator Information Form
  2. nominator recommendation of not more than 1,000 words submitted by the nominator. This statement should clearly demonstrate as many of the following attributes as possible:
    · the quality of the nominee’s teaching: unusually effective methods of presentation should be emphasized
    · the nominee’s ability to challenge and inspire students
    · extracurricular work in chemistry or a chemical science by the nominee, including science fairs, science clubs, and activities that stimulate the interest of young people in chemistry and related sciences
    · a willingness to keep up-to-date in the field, as evidenced by the pursuit of a higher degree in chemistry or a chemical science, enrollment in refresher courses and summer institutes, regular attendance at scientific meetings, membership in professional organizations, and other means of self-improvement
    · evidence of leadership or active involvement within the profession
  3. at least one, but not more than three, letters of support; one must be from the teacher’s current principal or supervisor. Additional letters of support may be sent by colleagues, members of the American Chemical Society who are familiar with the nominee’s achievements, or former students and parents of former students.

To submit a nomination, please request a nomination packet by November 1, 2011, and submit the nomination (five copies) by December 1, 2011. The ACS High School Teaching Award chair is:

Sandra Mueller
John Burroughs School
755 S Price Road
St Louis, Missouri 63124
314.993.4040 x362


American Polymer Standards Corporation
8680 Tyler Boulevard, Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: 440-255-2211 Fax: 440-255-8397

next previous contents  Seeking Retirees
Eager to Make An Educational Impact

setting up for States of Matter activity

Simple equipment and simple setup serves up “States of Matter” to a large group of kids

One of the most popular outreach programs sponsored by the St Louis ACS section is Chemistry is pHun! Sheryl Loux is offering training in this program for retired ACS members in an effort to expand its reach and impact in the St Louis area.

The 27 Chemistry is pHun programs in calendar year 2010 — all given by Sheryl — have had an educational impact on 1,014 students in 11 or more schools. Program activity has started strongly this fall. The program modules offered by Sheryl are States of Matter, Chemistry is pHun, and What is Matter? for elementary students, and for middle and high school students, Polymers are Marvelous with DNA extraction from strawberries.

kids having fun with learning

Kids having fun and learning; is there a better way to spend a day—for them or for you?

The States of Matter program was designed for elementary students and is popular in the 2nd and 3rd grades. The states of matter are explored with solid, liquid, and gas states of mainly water, demonstrating the addition or release of energy in the form of heat when changing physical states. Examples of plasma are mentioned and "gluep" is made to show a substance that has properties of both liquids and solids.

The Chemistry is pHun program is designed for 4th grade and up and covers pH, a review of states of matter, dissolution, chemical reactions, and various polymers.

Another program for K-3 is What is Matter? where the periodic table of elements is introduced and water molecules are made with marshmallows for atoms and toothpicks representing electron bonds.

Sheryl thanks Don Sartor for helping with Polymers are Marvelous, but these programs could benefit greatly from even more participation—your participation. If you would like to offer some of these programs in a school district close to where you live, please contact Sheryl J Loux by email, sjloux@gmail.com or 636.237.5149.

next previous contents Bond Briefs

Brief update on NCW 2011: “Our Health, Our Future”

NCW logo

Please note the new date for the St Louis National Chemistry Week Expo at St Louis Science Center: it’s not October 29 as initially reported last month, but now October 15, still 10 am to 4 pm. A schedule conflict at the Science Center forced the change. You can help make our biggest outreach event a success and make a difference for scientific literacy. By participating in NCW, you can share your knowledge and understanding of chemistry and how it relates to our health and our future. If you want to conduct an activity or volunteer for ones already planned, contact Greg Wall at 314.435.6487 or gwall37@msn.com.

next previous contents meetings and seminars

Board of Directors

St Louis Section–ACS Board of Directors meets the second Thursday of each month, usually at the Glen Echo Country Club (Map to Glen Echo CC map). Meetings are open to all members, and all are encouraged to attend. Elected officers and chairs of major committees vote on questions put to the Board; others in attendance have voice but no vote.

If you want to attend for dinner, please contact the section Chair at least a week in advance. Usual cost of the dinner is $24 ($12 for post-docs and unemployed members). Members wishing to become active in section activities are welcomed for their first dinner as guests of the section.

Date: Oct 13
Social hour: 5:30 pm
Dinner: 6:30 pm
Business meeting: 7:15 pm
Future meetings: Nov 10, Dec 8 (special Continuity Dinner)

Saint Louis University

Seminars are on Fridays at 12 noon in Carlo Auditorium, Tegeler Hall, unless noted otherwise. Refreshments follow. For more information, contact Ryan McCulla, dbaum1@slu.edu.

Oct 14
Irving Epstein
Brandeis University
Reaction-Diffusion Patterns in Structured Media

Nov 4
Qingfeng Ge
Southern Illinois University–Carbondale
Molecular Modeling for CO2 Conversion

University of Missouri–St Louis

Mondays at 4 pm in 451 Benton Hall, unless otherwise specified. Refreshments 15 minutes prior to seminar time. For more information, contact the Chemistry Department, 314.516.5311.

Oct 10
Gerardo Morfini
University of Illinois–Chicago
Axonal transport alterations in Parkinson’s disease

Oct 17
Steven Sucheck
University of Toledo
Glycoconjugates: Design, Synthesis and Function

Oct 24
Istvan Kiss
Saint Louis University
Dynamics of networked electrochemical reactions on macro- and microscale

Oct 31
John Walker
Medicinal Chemistry Group, University of Missouri–St Louis

Washington University

Seminars are in McMillen 311 at 4 pm unless otherwise noted. For information, contact: Liviu Mirica, mirica@wustl.edu.

Oct 6
Scott Kroeker
University of Manitoba
NMR Studies of Nuclear Waste Materials: Cutting Through Compositional and Morphological Complexity

Oct 20
Scott Reid
Marquette University
Frequency and Time-Resolved Studies of Photoinduced Processes in Molecules and Complexes

Oct 27
Yinsheng Wang
University of California–Riverside
Chemistry and Biology of DNA Damage Induced by Reactive Oxygen and Carbonyl Species

Nov 1
Nick Polfer
University of Florida
Mass and its limitations – what more can vibrational spectroscopy tell us about ion structure?

Nov 3
Deborah Leckband
University of Illinois

previous contents About the Chemical Bond

The Chemical Bond is published at www.stlacs.org January through May and September through December by the St Louis Section–American Chemical Society. If you would like to receive email notification when each issue is posted, you can subscribe to the bond.remind listserv. You can also follow the link to “Manage bond.remind options” from the home page at www.stlacs.org.

If you use an RSS reader, you can subscribe to our  RSS feed, which includes notices of Chemical Bond issues and timely postings about chemistry-related events in the Saint Louis area.

Editor Eric Ressner 314.962.6415
Assistant Editor & Advertising Manager Sue Saum 314.513.4808
Business Manager Donna Friedman 314.513.4388

Correspondence, letters to the editor, etc., should be emailed to editor@stlacs.org
or mailed ℅ St Louis Section–ACS, PO Box 410192, Saint Louis, MO 63141-0192

Copyright © 2011 American Chemical Society and the St Louis Section–ACS