Volume 62, Number 1 | January, 2011 |
MWRM2011 Focus on Awards
Thoughts from Past Chair Shelley Minteer
Jeff Cornelius, 2011 Chair, Looks Forward
Continuity Night in verse and pictures
Officers and committee chairs 2011
Science Fairs: pick one and judge
Meetings and Seminars
About the Chemical Bond
American Polymer Standards, Inc.
Chemir Analytical Services
Huffman Laboratories, Inc.
micron inc.
Sigma-Aldrich Corp.
As you know, the St Louis Section is hosting the 2011 Midwest Regional Meeting, jointly with the Great Lakes Regional Meeting, October 19-22, 2011. One of the significant agenda items at these regional meetings is always the award presentations. Members of the St Louis Section are thoroughly familiar with the Midwest Award, which our section administers. But there’s more....
These award announcements, along with eligibility criteria and nominating guidelines, are summarized on the Midwest Region website, www.midwestacs.org/awards/awards.htm. Take a look especially at the awards you seldom think about, and consider nominating a colleague for well deserved recognition.
Shelley Minteer, 2010 Chair
It seems like yesterday that I was writing my incoming chair message and now I am writing my outgoing chair message for the Chemical Bond. This year has gone speeding by. It has been an exciting year and I would like to take this time to thank all of you for your hard work and dedication to the St Louis Section of the American Chemical Society. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ted Gast for his service as our Section Treasurer for the last several years and wish good luck to Vic Lewchenko who will be the Section Treasurer for the coming year. Until I became chair, I did not realize all of the work and dedication that goes into to being the Section Treasurer, but I can tell you that it is probably the most time consuming of all of the Section jobs. Ted, thank you!
The St Louis Section has provided very valuable programming to both our own members (many fantastic YCC career programs, Chemistry of Birds presentation, St Louis Award Symposium, etc) and to the community (including Boy Scout and Girl Scout Merit Badge Clinics, Battle of the Burets, Earth Day activities, “Chemistry is pHun” programming in the schools, National Chemistry Week at the Science Center, etc). If you didn’t participate in any Section activities last year, I encourage you to attend a Section activity in 2011. 2011 is the International Year of Chemistry, and the St Louis Section will be hosting the Midwest Regional Meeting in October. These exciting activities will definitely be of interest to Section members. I hope to see you all at a St Louis Section event in 2011.
Shelley Minteer, 2010 Chair
Jeff Cornelius, 2011 Chair
Happy New Year 2011 to all the St Louis Section members. I find it hard to believe that I am beginning my year as Chair of the local Section. The activities of the last year have gone by very quickly. It is hard to believe that we are about to start another year of activities. The United Nations has designated 2011 as the International Year of Chemistry and coincidentally, our local section is hosting the Midwest-Great Lakes Regional ACS meeting here in St Louis in October. People in our area should hear a lot about the positive role that chemistry plays in our world. We have a great opportunity to get the word out. We have quite a program lined up and I am so grateful to have many experienced people helping out with the activities of the local section! I am particularly excited to see chemistry interest growing at my own Principia College where eight people just recently joined ACS and reactivated our dormant student ACS chapter. I look forward to getting them involved in more of the St Louis section activities.
Our section has a schedule full of activities spread throughout the year. I suppose people have come to expect that from us. Our website already has a number of science fairs listed that you, our members, can help judge. The Younger Chemists Committee has grown and has been active with a number of meetings including their sponsorship of a popular series of career workshops. Chemical Progress Week in April includes awards for high school and college students. National Chemistry Week will be in October. We are still working to schedule a General Topics Lecture in March and a second in the fall. Watch for information about the Midwest Regional Meeting and the International Year of Chemistry. More information on these activities can be found on our website: www.stlacs.org.
I hope that we can encourage more people to participate in our activities. The St Louis section encompasses about 1700 chemists. We hope that you will come join us and participate in our activities. Maybe you can help out with a Science Fair or at Earth Day this year.
Leah O’Brien and Hal Harris share a drink and some conversation before dinner.
It was a dark but not particularly stormy night when, on December 9th, the Section hosted its special Continuity Night dinner/meeting. This is the occasion of the final Board meeting of the year, a transition point for incoming and outgoing officers, a time for some important announcements, and ... yes ... even more fun than the other eight Board meetings.
After a pleasant social hour with some new faces showing for a first time, and some old faces we haven’t seen in a long time, the first order of business was a General Meeting of the Section to approve changes in the Bylaws. But, no matter how many times we counted, we still came up exactly one short of a mandated quorum to conduct business. That will mean a General Meeting do-over later in 2011 to try again.
The meat (or fish) of the Board meeting was consumed with year-end reports and business. Particularly poignant were reports of our topical discussion groups, which are very active and highly successful at bringing in both attendance and industry support. If you are missing out on these, check out the current listings at www.stlacs.org/meetings.html, find one that meshes with your interests, and take advantage.
The Big Three events of every Continuity Dinner are reserved for last:
Alexa Serfis is the Henry Godt Memorial Lecturer this year.
Jeff Cornelius receives gavel and book—and the responsibilities that go with them—from Shelley Minteer
American Polymer Standards Corporation
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Phone: 440-255-2211 Fax: 440-255-8397
Do you have a question about a specific section activity? Want to get involved, and you know where your niche is? Have an issue or suggestion about section governance, policies, activities? Here are the people in charge for 2010. Get in touch.
Elected officers | |
Chair | Jeff Cornelius |
Chair-Elect | Eric Bruton |
Immediate past chair | Shelley Minteer |
Secretary | Pat Burrell-Standley |
Treasurer | Vic Lewchenko |
Directors | 2010-2011: Samir El-Antably, Eric Ressner, Sue Dudek 2011-2012: Bill Doub, Bruce Ritts, Steve Kinsley |
Councilors | 2009-2011: Donna Friedman 2010-2012: Lisa Balbes, Alexa Serfis 2011-2013: Lawrence Barton |
Alternate Councilors | 2010-2012: Ben Outlaw 2011-2013: Ted Gast, Chris Spilling 2011: Hal Harris |
Committee chairs | |
Awards | John Gleason |
Education | Ziad Ramadan |
Investment | Hal Harris |
Professional Activities | Brent Znosko |
Program | Dana Baum |
Publicity and Public Relations | Ben Outlaw |
Special Event chairs | |
Chemical Progress Week | TBA |
National Chemistry Week | Greg Wall |
Your participation as a judge would be greatly appreciated!
St Louis SectionACS Board of Directors meets the second Thursday of each month, usually at the Glen Echo Country Club ( map). Meetings are open to all members, and all are encouraged to attend. Elected officers and chairs of major committees vote on questions put to the Board; others in attendance have voice but no vote.
If you want to attend for dinner, please contact the section Chair at least a week in advance. Usual cost of the dinner is $24 ($12 for post-docs and unemployed members). Members wishing to become active in section activities are welcomed for their first dinner as guests of the section.
Date: Jan 13
Social hour: 5:30 pm
Dinner: 6:30 pm
Business meeting: 7:15 pm
Future meetings: Feb 10, Mar 10
Seminars are on Fridays at 12 noon in Carlo Auditorium, Tegeler Hall, unless noted otherwise. Refreshments follow. For more information, contact Dana Baum, dbaum1@slu.edu.
At publication time, there were no seminars scheduled for January.
Mondays at 4 pm in 451 Benton Hall, unless otherwise specified. Refreshments 15 minutes prior to seminar time. For more information, contact the Chemistry Department, 314.516.5311.
Jan 24
Brent Znosko
Saint Louis University
Predicting RNA secondary and tertiary structure from sequence
Jan 31
Matthew Holden
University of Massachusetts–Amherst
Building Biology Drop-by-Drop
Seminars are in McMillen 311 at 4 pm unless otherwise noted. For information, contact: Liviu Mirica, mirica@wustl.edu.
Jan 10
Matthew Bush
Oxford University
Gas-Phase Structural Biology of Protein Complexes
The Chemical Bond is published at www.stlacs.org January through May and September through December by the St Louis Section–American Chemical Society. If you would like to receive email notification when each issue is posted, you can subscribe to the bond.remind listserv. You can also follow the link to “Manage bond.remind options” from the home page at www.stlacs.org.
If you use an RSS reader, you can subscribe to our RSS feed, which includes notices of Chemical Bond issues and timely postings about chemistry-related events in the Saint Louis area.
Editor | Eric Ressner | 314.962.6415 editor@stlacs.org |
Assistant Editor & Advertising Manager | Sue Saum | 314.513.4808 ssaum@stlcc.edu |
Business Manager | Donna Friedman | 314.513.4388 dfriedman@stlcc.edu |
Correspondence, letters to the editor, etc., should be emailed to editor@stlacs.org
or mailed ℅ St Louis SectionACS, PO Box 410192, Saint Louis, MO 63141-0192
Copyright © 2011 American Chemical Society and the St Louis SectionACS