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STLACS, our award-winning section

The way it works is …

… chairs who think their events or organizations were especially praiseworthy nominate those events and organizations to the national ACS ChemLuminary Award committee. Self-nominations must make the case for the innovation and community service aspects of the nominated event or organization.

In summer, a shortlist of finalists for each award is announced; and the winner of each award is announced in conjunction with the fall national meeting.

The Saint Louis Section has a trophy case chock full of awards for outstanding section, and for a wide array of events, projects, and organizations under our umbrella. We’re proud enough of this record to post it here. This is the list of awards our Section has won since we seriously started keeping track in 1980.

Year* Garlands Garnered
1979 Outstanding Performance, large section—H Burnham Tinker, Chair
1980 Outstanding Performance, large section—Lawrence Barton, Chair
1983 Outstanding Performance, medium-large section—Charles Hobbs, Chair
1986 Outstanding Performance, medium-large section—Phyllis Bennett, Chair
1992 Outstanding Performance, medium-large section—Donna Friedman, Chair
Phoenix Award, NCW Best Event in a Museum or Library
Special Recognition for Outstanding Public Relations Program
1993 Outstanding Performance, medium-large section—Sadiq Shah, Chair
1994 Certificate of Excellence, medium-large section—Hal Harris, Chair
1995 Certificate of Excellence, medium-large section—Jed White, Chair
1996 Outstanding Performance, medium-large section—A Greg Wall, Chair
1997 Phoenix Award, Most Creative National Chemistry Week activity, “Noble Neon”
Outstanding Younger Chemists Committee Event, for NCW events
Outstanding Performance, medium-large section—Robert M Friedman, Chair
Most Creative Local Section Younger Chemists Committee event, for travel award program
1998 ChemLuminary Award, Best International Chemistry Celebration Event—A Greg Wall, organizer
ChemLuminary Award, Outstanding Local Section Younger Chemists Committee
1999 Certificate of Excellence, large section—Francis Botts, Chair
2000 Outstanding Performance, large section—Pauline Bellavance, Chair
“Activity or Program that Best Addresses the ACS Strategic Thrusts”, for Chemical Progress Month
Certificate of Excellence, Most Innovative Use of Technology—Sue Dudek, committee chair
2001 Certificate of Excellence, large section—Sue Dudek, Chair
“Commendable Award”
Saint Louis University ACS Student Affliates
2002 Outstanding Performance, large section—Lisa Balbes, Chair
Outstanding Kids & Chemistry Program Award
Certificate of Excellence, Activity or Program in a Local Section Stimulating Membership Involvement
Certificate of Excellence, Most Innovative Use of Technology
2003 Outstanding Local Section Career Program, large section—Lisa Balbes, Career Program Coordinator
Certificate of Excellence, Outstanding High School Student Program
Certificate of Excellence, Local Section/Division Interaction
Certificate of Excellence, large section—Bijan Khazai, chair
2004 Outstanding Local Section Career Program Award, large to very large section—Lisa Balbes, Career Program Coordinator
2005 Outstanding Performance, large section—Ted Gast, Chair
2006 Student Affiliate Interaction Award—Alexa Serfis, Chair
2008 Outstanding New Local Section Younger Chemists Committee—Arindam Roy, YCC Chair; Keith Stine, Section Liaison
2010 ACS Fellow elected:
 William H Buhro, Washington University
2011 Outstanding Local Section Career Program—Lisa Balbes, Career Program Coordinator
Outstanding Leadership Development Program—Alexa Serfis, Program Organizer
ACS Fellows elected:
 Leah O’Brien, Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville
 Lawrence Barton, University of Missouri–St Louis (emeritus)
 Donna Friedman, St Louis Community College–Florissant Valley
2012 Outstanding local section Younger Chemists Committee—Natalie LaFranzo, YCC chair
video clip of ChemLuminary presentation
Outstanding Performance, medium-large section—Eric Bruton, Chair
video clip of ChemLuminary presentation
2013 ACS Fellow elected:
 Keith Stine, University of Missouri–St Louis
2014 E Ann Nalley Award for service to the Division:
 Lean O’Brien, Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville
ChemLuminary Awards
 Career Programs—Lisa Balbes, Career Services coordinator
 Senior Chemist event—Sheryl Loux, organizer

*National ACS awards are conferred after the year for which the award was actually won. To disambiguate, we give here the year of the actual activity cited in the award, not the year in which the award was conferred.