The premier event of the Saint Louis Section
About the award
The Saint Louis Award, originally sponsored by the Monsanto Company and administered by the Saint Louis Section–ACS, is presented to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the profession of chemistry and demonstrated potential to further the advancement of the chemical profession, especially early in their career. The awardee is selected by a review committee constituted by the Section. The award consists of a $1,500 honorarium and a plaque.
The awardee is announced in a blog post as soon as the winner is selected, and also appears in the September issue of the Chemical Bond. But the award itself is only one piece of the pie. Read on.
The Award Symposium
There is science.
The awardee selects a panel of scientists with achievements in closely related areas to speak in a Symposium honoring the awardee. The Symposium program is announced in a blog post as soon as the details are set. A brief reception follows the symposium.
The Award Banquet
And there is revelry!
On the same weekend as the symposium — usually on the same day — is the Banquet, where the award is formally presented. All are invited to join in celebrating the awardee with drinks, dinner, conversation, and a more general-audience–friendly talk by the honoree.
Get in on the action
If your interests align in any way with the awardee’s, or if you just want to hear more about what’s going on in the often ground-breaking scientific developments, attend the Symposium. If you’d like to pay further respects, socialize with your scientific cohort (and their cohorts), and enjoy a fine meal in good company, attend the Banquet. Or do both. You can keep informed about the progress of each award cycle (call for nominations, award announcement, details of symposium and banquet) in the blog thread below this summary.
Saint Louis Award nominations
Nominations are accepted at any time; those received by April 30 are considered for the award presented the following October. Non-winning nominees are automatically considered candidates for three years unless withdrawn by the nominator or the candidate. The nominator may update the carried-forward nomination with new information before April 30.
At the time of the nomination, the nominee must not have previously received the Midwest Award or any national ACS-sponsored award and must be a member or affiliate of the Saint Louis Section–ACS.
To facilitate the review by the Award committee, nomination packets should be submitted as a single pdf file, with the following items in this order:
- a cover page with the award name, the nominee’s name, contact information, and the date of the nomination
- a nominating letter, highlighting the candidate’s accomplishments and potential for advancing the profession of chemistry, as well as their scientific and/or societal impact
- two additional supporting letters from individuals who have had a close professional affiliation with the nominee (internal or external)
- a brief biography of the nominee, including participation on important panels, editorial boards, and committees, cross-functional and/or cross-divisional activities, and external outreach activities (not to exceed one page)
- a concise description of the nominee’s chief accomplishments and impact in their field (not to exceed one page)
- a selected list of publications, patents, books and book chapters, awards, and external presentations; may include documented impact of their work featured in the media (not to exceed two pages)
Please send nominations and inquiries to the St Louis Award coordinator.