On Wednesday, April 26th, the 2017 Academy of Science – Saint Louis Science Fair was held at Queeny Park, Greensfelder Recreation Complex in Saint Louis. Many of our local members helped judge the Chemistry presentations. The winners are listed below.
Honors grades 9-12 Division:
First Place: Rana Karatas, “Amount of Iron in Different Kind of Resins,” Grade 10, Gateway Science Academy Middle and High School, Saint Louis, MO.
Grades 9-12 Division:
First Place: Deeljore Charumati, “ATP detection using a Microfluidic Device based on the Reactions between Luciferase and ATP,” Grade 11, Gateway Science Academy Middle and High School, St. Louis, MO.
Second Place: Ayush Ray, “Polyhydroxy-Sugar alcohols with natural polymers as seed coat changes plant growth with water stress” Grade 10, Lafayette Sr. High, Saint Louis, MO
Grades 6-8 Division:
First Place: Sonali Sharma, “Lead Crisis,” Grade 6, Mckinley Classical Leadership Ac., St Louis, MO.
Second Place: Sarah Campbell, “Candy Chromatography,” Grade 7, Gateway Science Academy Middle and High School, St. Louis, MO.
Grades kindergarten–5th Division:
A congratulatory letter + a purple participation ribbon were each given to 350 chemistry-related entrants this year.
Many thanks to all who participated, and to our members for volunteering!

Front: (L-R) Cinda Page, Donald Sartor, GSM. Sundaram
Back: (L-R) William Ridley, Frank Stary, William Uhland, Herman Krueger
Report submitted by GSM Sundaram, Co-Coordinator.