John Gleason shows and fits some of the PPE used in labs and production
The day kicked off with the scouts discussing the five classical fields of chemistry; Ben Barth, Chair of the Saint Louis Section led the discussion. John Gleason, of Jost Chemical Company, prepared the scouts for their hands-on experiences and tours with an introduction to personal protective equipment (PPE). Scouts then rotated through three stations, each run by two professional chemists and assisted by SLU chemistry club students. At these sessions, scouts
- conducted a simulated Senate hearing into contamination at a scout camp and identified the contaminant (Tabbetha Bohac and Jana Markley, facilitators);
- learned about emulsions and solved a crime using separation science (Dave Morganstern and Nelver Brooks, leaders);
- made a Cartesian diver and explored the activity series (Vic Lewchenko and Brent Znosko);
- took a tour of a working chemical manufacturing plant (Jost).
Scouts also learned about Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) and compared toothpaste with an abrasive household cleanser.
During lunch, each scout met with an approved merit badge counselor to verify completion of all requirements.
Vic Lewchenko was on hand to document the whole event and has posted his ton oʼ pics at www.flickr.com/gp/vics_photos/VudT2y. Weʼve picked out just a few as candy for the eyes, but follow the Flickr link if this isnʼt enough for you.

Brent Znosko oversees an experiment showing activity series reactivity

Scouts working on their Cartesan divers