This is it: the report on the past Spring’s virus-curtailed area Science Fairs, that you’ve been waiting half the summer for. (Half the semaphore?) (A hemi-semaphore?)
As reported by GSM Sundaram, the local section Science Fair coordinator.
Missouri Tri-County Regional Science and Engineering Fair, March 7
- Grades 9-12 Division
Second Place: Lakshita Senthil, Grade 9, Fort Zumwalt West High School, MO: Will Biodegradable Superabsorbent Polymers made of Orange/Avocado peels help Combat Drought in Agriculture?
There were no first or third place awards given this year.

- Grades 5-8 Division
First Place: Gunnika Singh, Grade 5, West Middle School, MO: Water Electrolysis: Effect of type and concentration of electrolyte on the release of hydrogen gas
Second Place: Denzel Montalvo, Grade 6, Jefferson Intermediate, MO: What effect does sugar and fat have on liquids when frozen
- Grades kindergarten – 4th Division
A congratulatory letter + a purple participation ribbon were each given to 100 chemistry-related entrants this year.
Illinois Junior Academy of Science Region 12 Science Fair, March 30
The event was converted to online presentations due to pandemic.
- Grades 9-12 Division
First Place: Gabe Lewis, Grade 11, Waterloo High School, IL: How Do Different Synthesis Materials Affect the Size of Carbon Quantum Dots?
Second Place: Reagan Guerra, Grade 12, Metro-East Lutheran School, IL: Evaluation of Isoheme: A Novel Replacement for Blood in Forensic Science - Grades 5-8 Division
First Place: Julian A. Eaken, Grade 5, North Elementary School, IL: Home Made Bouncy Ball
Second Place: Allison Nemnich, Grade 5, Master’s Lyceum, IL: Which Detergent Cleans the Best
Saint Louis Academy of Science, Science Fair, April 29
We didn’t participate in Academy of Science Fair this year, as the organizers weren’t able to accept books and Science Center membership which they felt difficult to track in the existing situation.