The program for the Saint Louis Award Symposium on Saturday, October 18th, has been finalized. The symposium will take place at University of Missouri–St Louis in 451 Benton Hall (map).
Frontiers in Modern Glycosciences
honoring Alexei Demchenko
2014 Saint Louis Award winner
1:00–1:30pm Poster viewing and refreshments
1:30pm Jim O’Brien, University of Missouri–St Louis
Chair, Saint Louis Section, American Chemical Society
Welcome and general introduction
1:35pm Chris Spilling, University of Missouri–St Louis
Symposium chair and discussion leader
Introduction and Salute to Alexei Demchenko
1:40pm Steve Kolodziej, Pfizer, Inc
Development of capsular polysaccharide conjugate vaccines
2:10pm Todd Lowary, University of Alberta
Recent studies on the synthesis of glycans from mycobacteria and campylobacters
2:45pm George O’Doherty, Northeastern University
Use of de novo asymmetric synthesis in carbohydrate and natural product medicinal chemistry
3:20–3:50pm Poster viewing and refreshments
3:50pm Cristina De Meo, Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville
Labeling and elimination in sialic acid chemistry
4:20pm Keith Stine, University of Missouri–St Louis
Nanoporous gold: applications in glycan recognition and synthesis
4:50pm Geert-Jan Boons, University of Georgia
Functional glycomics through chemical synthesis
5:25pm Chris Spilling
Concluding Remarks
6:30pm Saint Louis Award Banquet, Glen Echo Country Club, 3401 Lucas and Hunt Rd, Normandy, MO
Advance reservations required