Hey, did you notice the red “help wanted” banner on the home page, the one that solicits donations of PPE and other items needed to save lives of COVID-19 victims?
Our Section’s response has been a help to area healthcare providers, and has been noticed and noted by national ACS. In the April 27th edition of C&E News, you can find the story that singles out three local sections for their efforts. To quote, re us:
Some volunteers have helped pick up and deliver donations of PPE and other equipment. [St Louis Section Chair Sophia] Hayes says a local beer-brewing company, where the local section has occasionally gathered for monthly meetings, has donated three industrial-scale hydrometers for use in measuring specific amounts of alcohol for making hand sanitizer.
Others have contributed their chemistry expertise. For example, Hayes assisted industrial hygienists in the Environmental Health and Safety group at the Washington University School of Medicine in fine-tuning their alcohol calibration for hand sanitizers. “They just needed a little bit of chemistry expertise,” she says. “They were using these sets of meters that they weren’t familiar with.”
We extend our thanks to all those who extended their helping hands. Our thanks are surely on top of copious thanks from those who needed all the donated items and expertise.