Candidates for the 2023 American Chemical Society (ACS) Midwest Award are sought. The Award, funded by the St. Louis Section of the ACS, is conferred annually on a scientist who has made meritorious contributions to the advancement of pure or applied chemistry, chemical education, and the profession of chemistry. The contributions must have been made during a period of residence in the region defined by the territories of the Local Sections that participate in the ACS Midwest Regional Meeting.
Nominees can work in industry, academia, government, or in private practice and need not be members of the ACS. Prior recipients of the Midwest Award or any national award administered by the ACS, members of the Midwest Award Jury, and the St Louis Section Past Chair, current Chair, Chair-Elect, Secretary and members of the Awards Committee are ineligible.
The ACS St. Louis Section’s Bylaws provide the Award’s main features. The 2023 ACS Midwest Award will be presented at the 2023 Joint Midwest – Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (MWGLRM 2023) to be held in St. Louis, Missouri over the period October 18-21, 2023. The venue is the St. Charles Convention Center. Ceremonies associated with the Award include a Midwest Award Symposium, a Midwest Award Lecture and the Midwest Awards Banquet.
The Award consists of a medallion and a cash honorarium. A condition of acceptance of the Award is that the recipient gives the Midwest Award Lecture at the time of presentation of the Award, at the Meeting Banquet on Thursday evening, October 19, 2023.
Nominations should consist of the following for the nominee: a nominating letter and two or more seconding letters, a CV, a brief biography, and documented and objective information regarding the nominee’s outstanding achievements. Other recent practices include listing people who received advanced degrees under the nominee’s direction if he or she is an academic. Activities by the nominee that support the ACS in the Midwest Region also are criteria of merit. Please submit nominations electronically via a single pdf file to the e-mail address given below on or before the deadline of Friday March 31, 2023 (11:59 pm CST). Unsuccessful ominations are retained and reconsidered over a period of 3 consecutive years. Please contact Jim O’Brien at or call (314)757-5717 (cell) if you have questions.
Nominations should be directed to:
Dr. Jim O’Brien
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry
University of Missouri-St. Louis
One University Blvd.
St. Louis, MO 63121