To celebrate the 150th year of the periodic table, the University of Murcia, Spain hosted an international symposium titled Setting Their Table: Women and the Periodic Table of Elements. Several members of the St. Louis Section-American Chemical Society presented.
Dr. Reni Joseph, Professor of Chemistry, St Louis Community College presented on Ida Noddack, Lise Meitner and the Manhattan project. Dr. Bill Ulhand from Curium pharmaceuticals spoke about Ernest Rutherford’s famous alpha scattering experiment that led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus. Dr. Elaine Jurkowski, Professor at SIUE Carbondale covered women’s issues at the time Rutherford was developing his concept of the atomic nucleus, and women’s issues in science today. The symposium was well attended and had a good international representation. Pictures from the event are available on the official web site.
Submitted by Dr. Reni Joseph.