Kevin is our 2019 Midwest Award winner. And he is now among the 2020 class of Arthur C Cope Scholars, announced by the American Chemical Society earlier this month.
His award citation reads, “For seminal contributions to the field of organic chemistry through the expoloration of new radical cation intermediates and the development of novel electrochemical methods.” Moeller noted that synthetic electro-organic chemistry (or any other way you concatenate the prefixes … electrosynthetic organic chemistry?) has not always been a “thing”. Says Moeller, “We have been pursuing electrochemistry as a tool for synthesis for over 30 years. For the first 20 or more of those years, we did so against the backdrop of an at-times very skeptical synthetic community.”
Good to see that skepticism, and the career hurdles it erected, are past. We congratulate Kevin for his selection as a Cope Scholar, and say “See, what did we tell you?!”