SIU–Edwardsville will once again host the annual Battle of the Burets, on Monday, February 12, 2018, from 6:00pm – 8:30pm in Science West (New Science Bldg), Room 3300.
The annual titration face-off open to teams of high school chemistry students, kicks off with registration and pizza at 6:00 pm, hands-on preliminary rounds of buret-wielding at 6:30, with the championship heat to follow.
Each school may send up to two teams of two students each. Each student will do three individual titrations; the group score is the sum of the scores for the team.
Registration deadline is 4 pm on Thursday, Feb 1. If you are a high school chemistry teacher and you have not received an email with registration information, please contact the coordinator by email or phone (below).
Student clothing must cover legs and feet, and splash goggles must be worn in the lab. Please park in the visitor lot (pay lot, $1/hr); reimbursement is available upon request. Download a campus map here.
Questions? Please contact Kevin Tucker, phone 618.650.5868, or email