You know how we try to keep you in the loop when one of ours gets national attention? (No? Well, we do do that!) So it’s a bit disappointing when our Chair-Elect, Samina Azad, has been cited in C&E News, and we blew right by it. [Also, it’s a bit embarrassing when someone is a month behind in reading his or her (probably his) C&E News.]
We did ask you to save-the-date, September 12th, when the national ACS Career Days roadshow comes to Saint Louis. (We’re still hoping that will happen.) What we didn’t know is that Samina has been active as a presenter at previous Career Days. This article from the 24 Feb 2020 Chemical & Engineering News not only tells, but also shows, Samina speaking at the Washington, DC, event on the topic of landing an interview.The photo is not great. That vaguely human-shaped object that’s farthest from the camera in a large conference room? That’s Samina. Talking. About interviews and negotiation. You can be forgiven for not remembering what a “conference room” is in this time of the plague.