The normally festive Continuity Dinner had to take a back seat to COVID-19 this year. We did the best we could via Zoom to maintain the special traditions of this last-meeting-of-the-year.
Although most of the attendees already knew most of the other attendees, we started with a round of self-introductions, from Ackerman to Znosko (though not in that order).

Attendees at the 2020 Continuity Dinner. In the interest of journalistic integrity, we must admit that this is a composite of several screen caps. And still we missed Joe Ackerman and Henry Rohrs. Sorry fellas!
For an extra helping of COVID upheaval, we were not able to conduct the St Louis Award Symposium and Banquet this year. So our awardee, Rich Loomis regaled us with a light-hearted soupçon of his research — which will have to hold us until the pandemic loosens its grip and we can do a proper St Louis Award Day.
Spoiler alert: the Distinguished Service Award … which will not be officially conferred until spring … in long overdue recognition … goes to … Ben Outlaw.
The Henry Godt secret speaker was revealed to be … Jeramia Ory, whose capsule review of the-year-we’d-all-like-to-forget was delivered in an utterly unforgettable fashion. No transcript, no screenshot could do it justice. You will just have to see it for yourself.
And finally, virtually, the sacred book and gavel were passed from outgoing Chair Sophia Hayes to incoming Chair Samina Azad.
Meeting adjourned.