The outreach program Cocktails/Coffee with Chemists, initiated last year by Natalie LaFranzo, continues in 2020, coordinated by Tabbetha Bohac. The popular series of meet-ups jumps around St Louis geographically, calendrically, and horologically in an effort to reach as many area scientists as possible. Join one or more of these monthly events!
For January, it’s a “Cocktails”, on January 30th, 6-8 pm, at 4 Hands Brewing Company. We’ve got a space reserved upstairs – just ask for the Cocktails with Chemists event! This is an informal event and meant to serve as a networking opportunity for all local chemists and scientists; come and go as you please. ACS Membership not required, but we’d love to tell you more about it! Bring business cards, if you have them, to pass around.
Join us for appetizers and cocktails. Register to reserve your spot. Contact Tabbetha Bohac with questions.
If this time/date/place doesn’t work for you, join the Meetup to hear about future Coffees and Cocktails with Chemists events.