Sheryl Loux’s arm in the Crushing Cans demonstration
“States of Matter” is designed for elementary students and is popular for 2nd- and 3rd-graders. Properties of solid, liquid, and gas states are presented (mainly using water), and energy of phase transitions are shown. Examples of plasma are mentioned and “Gluep” is made to show a substance that has properties of both liquids and solids.
“What is Matter?” is another program suitable for the youngest budding scientists, in grades K-3. The periodic table is introduced and molecular models are made with marshmallows and toothpicks.
“Chemistry is pHun” is designed for grades 4-12 and covers pH, a review of states of matter, dissolution, chemical reactions, and various polymers.

Two biochemists (who might not know it yet) extracting DNA from strawberries; Sheryl Loux oversees
This spring, 419 students enjoyed the “States of Matter” program, and 64 students extracted DNA in the “Polymers are Marvelous Molecules”. I would like to thank Don Sartor, Dr Amy Kerkemeyer, Dr James Bundschuh, and Co-coordinator Dr William Ridley for their help with this program. Next Fall, Will Ridley will be the Chief pHunster, coordinating the programs and seeking volunteers to expand offerings to more school districts. Contact Will about programs for the Fall at ridleywp@att.net or phone 314.920.1507.
Reported by:
Sheryl J Loux