The Saint Louis Section is the co-host (with the East Central Illinois Section) of the next year’s Midwest-Great Lakes Joint Regional ACS Meeting, October 18-21, 2023.
The Program Co-chairs are seeking organizers of half-day Special Symposia. We have already identified a number of Special Symposium Chairs, but a few spots are still available. If you have ideas for a special symposium, please contact any of the Program Co-chairs listed below to discuss. Topic, title, and list of potential speakers must be submitted by September 30, 2022.
A Special Symposium often aligns with ACS Division interests, but is more focused and distinct from the general topical sessions (e.g., Analytical, Biochemistry, Educational, Inorganic, Physical, Organic). We are expecting all Special Symposia to have a diverse group of speakers, the majority of whom are from the ACS Midwest or Great Lakes Region. A half-day session can handle 7-8 speakers for either a morning (8:30 am – 12:20 pm) or afternoon (2:00 – 5:50 pm) session, with 20-minute intermissions. Symposium speakers can be by invitation or can be combined with a few regular submissions. Special Symposium Organizers are expected to work with the Program Co-chairs to solicit funding from ACS Divisions and other suitable sources.
Please submit your topics, title, and list of potential speakers to any of the Program Co-Chairs by September 30, 2022.
Program Co-chairs for St. Louis Local Section:
- Leah O’Brien,
- Marvin Meyers,
- Jim O’Brien,
Program Co-chair for East Central Illinois Local Section
- Alex Mironenko,