What if there was a specific website that could help promote your career as a chemist?
What if that site allowed experienced chemists to mentor younger chemists by posting relevant articles, provoking conversation and responding to questions? Younger chemists could get their questions answered, and learn about possible next steps in their professional development.
Maybe it could even feature high-quality job postings and be promoted to hiring managers and HR professionals seeking talent at all levels.
This site exists! And it needs your participation to make it even better.
From its humble beginnings as a Yahoo! group, it sought new opportunities at LinkedIn in 2011, and has served as a bulletin board for Saint Louis positions in chemistry ever since. It’s now time to take it to the next level — a broad-based resource and community for students, professionals, job seekers, and employers of chemists in the Saint Louis area.
You can help — and help yourself! Create an account at LinkedIn.com, a social media site for networking and career development. Post your résumé, and connect with colleagues to enhance your professional opportunities. Search for the group “Chemistry Careers in Saint Louis” and ask to join. Encourage your colleagues and/or students to do the same.
Then post a message to say hello to the group, or post a relevant article. Don’t forget to follow the group so that you will be notified when others post. Together, we can grow this resource to its full potential! It can’t be great without you, so please use your LinkedIn account to join and follow “Chemistry Careers in Saint Louis!”