Early in October, all members will receive an email link directing them to their electronic ballot for 2019 officers. Bios and information about the candidates are below.
Chair – Elect:

Sophia Hayes
Sophia Hayes, Professor of Chemistry, Washington University
Service to the Section: Co-Chair of the St. Louis NMR Discussion Group (2004 – present), jurist for the Midwest Award

Henry Rohrs
Henry Rohrs, Assistant Director, Washington University NIGMS Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Research Resource
Service to the Section: Organizer and Chair of Midwest MS Discussion Group (2008-present); Organizer and Chair Biological Mass Spectrometry Symposium – Great Lakes/Midwest Regional Meeting (2011), Secretary (2017-2018)

Jeff Cornelius
Jeff Cornelius, Charles Stewart Harding Mott Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Chair of Physical Science and Engineering Department, Principia College
Service to the Section: Education Committee Chair (2001-2006); Undergraduate Research Symposium Chair (2000, 2004); Secretary (2007-2009); Chair succession (2010-2012); Director (2013-2016), Treasurer (2017-2018)

Natalie Lafranzo
Natalie LaFranzo, Natalie LaFranzo, Director of Scientific Projects and Market Development at Cofactor Genomics
Service to St. Louis Local Section: Alternate Councilor (2018); Representative, Midwest Region Board of Directors (2018-present); Chair Succession (2016-present); Secretary (2014-2015); Chair, Younger Chemists Committee (2012-2015); Committee Member, Leadership Development Forum (2012-present)
Service to National ACS: Chair, Younger Chemists Committee (2016-present); Member, Member-at-Large, Division of Professional Relations (2018-present); Member, Task Force on Governance Design (2017-2018); Member, Diversity and Inclusion Advisory Board (2016-present); Member, Younger Chemists Committee (2015-present); Associate, Younger Chemists Committee (2013-2015); Younger Chemists Subdivision Chair, Division of Professional Relations (2015); Member, Chemical Innovation and Entrepreneurship Council (2014-2016)

Ted Gast
Theodore C Gast, professionally affiliated with the Carl F. Gast Company, Arch Paper LLC and Soulard Artists’ Guild
Saint Louis Section activities include: CPRC National Committee associate (2016-present); Councilor (2015-present); Alternate Councilor (2011-2014); Exposition Co-Chair for 2011 joint MWRM/GLRM; event sponsor 2011 Joint MWRM/GLRM; Chemistry Ambassador(2010-present); organized Chemistry and Law talk at Washington University 2010; chair succession (2004–06; ChemLuminary Best Local Section 2005, large category); hosted ACS president Bill Carroll on Whirlwind Tour and Chemical Round Table; the development and promotion of Kids & Chemistry since its inception in 1996; Science Fair judge; liaison for TIE (1996-2007; Teachers Industry and Environment); Midwest Award Jury; SAS (Society for Applied Spectroscopy); and AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers); member of the audit committee (2005-2007); National Chemistry Week; Chemical Progress Week; Earth Day and International Year of Chemistry activities (2011), ACS member for 38 years.
Also involved in the following: activities celebrating The International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements in 2019 which will coincide with the 150th anniversary of the discovery of the Periodic System by Dmitry Mendeleev in 1869; organized Ask a Chemist event on Papermaking at Webster University 2013; fundraising activities for the Section through the American Chemistry Council (November 2002–present) and nominations committee; treasurer of the St Louis Section (2007-2010); served on the investment committee (2007-2010); provides industrial leadership for the section.

Lisa Balbes
Lisa Balbes, Principal, Balbes Consultants LLC
Service to the Section: Saint Louis Section Councilor (2010–present); Treasurer (2005–2006); Alternate Councilor (2004–2006); Chair succession (2001–2003); Career Resource Coordinator (2003–present); Scout Clinic Chair (2004–present); Exhibits Co-Chair, Joint Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting (2011) — Columbus, OH, Section Public Relations Chair(1993–1994); Nominating Committee Chair (1994); National Chemistry Week Committee (1992–1995)
Service to national ACS: Committee on Nominations and Elections (2014–2016); Council Policy Committee, Member, nonvoting (2011–2013); Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs (2008–2013), Chair-elect (2010), Chair (2011–2013), associate (2007)
ACS honors: E Ann Nalley Midwest Regional Award for Volunteer Service (2012); Best Local Section Career Program ChemLuminary Award (2004, 2011, 2014); Saint Louis Section Salute to Excellence (2004)
Alt Councilor (3 year term):

Brent Znosko
Brent Znosko, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University
Service to the St Louis Section: ACS Student Chapter advisor (2005-present); ACS Midwest Regional Meeting Symposium organizer (2006); Professional Activities Committee chair (2006-present); Midwest Regional Meeting Symposium co-organizer (2008, 2012); Undergraduate Programming chair, Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting (2011); Director (2012-present); ACS Webinar presenter (2013), Alternate Councilor (2016-Present)
Service to national ACS: ACS National Meeting Symposium organizer (2014)
Alt Councilor (2 year term):

Leah O’Brien
Leah O’Brien, Professor of Chemistry, Southern Illinois University – Edwardsville
Service to the Section: Awards Night Committee Chair

Jim O’Brien
Jim O’Brien, Professor of Chemistry, University of Missouri St. Louis
Service to the Section: Program Committee Chair (1997-1999); co-sponsor of Career Day for High School students (2001-present); Midwest Award coordinator (2003-present); Co-chair of the Midwest Regional Meeting (2011); Director (2017-2018).

Bill Doub
Bill Doub, Retired, former US FDA/Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
Service to the Section: Founding member and first Chairperson of the Greater Saint Louis Regional Discussion Group of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, High School Program Committee (1998); Chemical Bond photographer, assistant editor, and business manager (1998); Membership Chair (1998); Investment Committee (1998); Director (1996-1998, 2011-2012, 2017-Present); St Louis Award Chair (1981, 1997); Treasurer (1993-1994, 1999-2001); Midwest Award Chair (1981); Alt Councilor (1992); Awards Committee Chair (1992); Program Committee Chair (1991, 1995); Chair succession (2008-2010).

Hal Harris
Hal Harris, Professor of Chemistry semi-retired, the University of Missouri–St Louis
Service to the St Louis Section includes: Chair succession (1993-1995); Director (numerous years); Alternate Councilor (2011–present); Investment Committee Chair (several years–present); in the interest of bringing a better public understanding and appreciation of chemistry through responses to distortions in the media, has for several years headed a committee for that purpose in the section.