Lisa Balbes, career coordinator and independent consultant
In addition to C&E News (the house organ), national ACS puts out another general interest weekly, Industry Matters Newsletter, with “information, insights, and advice to help you thrive in a dynamic, challenging, and exciting working world.”
This week’s “What I Learned” column (member login required) is about our own career services coordinator, Lisa Balbes.
When she’s not busy career-coordinating for the Local Section or national ACS, she’s pursuing her own career as an independent consultant, technical writer, and workshop presenter. Over her quarter-century of consulting, the general nature of finding a job and developing a career, as well as the more specific nature of the consulting and technical-writing segment have changed — ebbed and flowed — and she has adapted both her presentations and her ways of obtaining project contracts.
Ya gotta read the whole thing … for the insights gained over the years, if not for the brief introduction to Miles the Office Rabbit, who provideed “paper shredding and comic relief” until his departure for the Great Carrot Patch about seven years ago.