Happy New Year, St. Louis ACS Colleagues –
As we begin 2023, and my year as Section Chair, I am excited to continue to work with such an active and involved section.
I would also like to thank Cynthia Chapple, Immediate Past Chair, for her dedication and service this past year. Under her leadership, our section was able to reflect, grow, and define actionable plans for continued growth. In 2022, leadership from our section participated in both a 2-day Inclusion Training as well as a Strategic Planning Retreat. I look forward to building upon these efforts into 2023 and beyond.
I’m looking forward to seeing our section continue to offer a vast range of programing this year – from professional development to networking to education to outreach activities. I also look forward to our section co-hosting the Midwest/Great Lakes Regional Meeting this October with the East Central Illinois Section.
It is an exciting time and there for sure are ample opportunities to become involved – in both small and large roles! No matter what stage of your career you are in, what your career path is, we would be thrilled to have you as part of our team! Please visit our website (stlacs.org) or consider attending our monthly board meetings or one of our programing events, such as Cocktails/Coffee with Chemists, to learn more ways to get involved. Feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns, or comments at chair@stlacs.org.
In closing, I would like to thank all our section leadership, the 2022 steering committee, and all our section members who made 2022 an outstanding year! I look forward to building on the momentum into 2023!