Cynthia Chapple, whom, coincidentally, we just announced as the 2021 Chair-elect of the St Louis Local ACS Section, has been making a career out of proactively advancing involvement of Black women in STEM careers. That’s in addition to her day job as senior research chemist at ELANTAS PDG, developing innovative protective coating technology for electronics markets.
Cynthia is the founder and director of Black Girls Do STEM, a program to trigger curiosity about STEM studies in the minds of every black girl. Back in July, we reported that Cynthia was featured in a St. Louis Business Journal virtual symposium on “how racism has impacted their lives, impeded their careers and shaped the path they tread today.”
And now — why we’re back talking about Cynthia a-GAIN — she has been interviewed for a WISER podcast (Women In Science, Entrepreneurship, and Research), part of a series hosted by Dena Ladd, Executive Director of the Missouri Cures Education Foundation, with “interviews of inspirational women from Missouri, the midwest, and around the world.” You can listen to the podcast right here, and learn what she’s up to at Black Girls do STEM over there.