Our ninth annual section picnic came off without a hitch on June 15: good weather, no rain, and the geese kept their distance. Eric Bruton, immediate past-chair and official host, reports that the event…
… was a great time of socializing with members and their families. We had a wonderful spread of food and several activities which kept everyone going for the full four hours. Attendees included many longtime members who would not miss a section picnic and a considerable number of members who had never come to a section picnic before, plus more spouses and kids than you could shake a burger at.
It was a great time to get to know some of the fifty-three people in attendance while enjoying the food and games. We were fortunate to have some of the best weather for a picnic in recent memory. Special thanks to those who helped with cooking and set-up.
Vic Lewchenko, our Treasurer and unofficial semi-pro photographer, posted his photostream of the event on Flickr. Go there if you want to see more of what went on.