Fifty two students from thirteen area high schools competed in the annual “Battle of the Burets”. The event was hosted by Dr. Kevin Tucker, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. Each team completed 6 titrations, which were scored based on relative error. The top six teams received trophies and a round of applause from the other participants.
Congratulations to Parkway South High School and teacher Susan Scott who led her students Maple Wang and Bryan Van Genderen to a first place finish. Mary Institute/Country Day School’s team (teacher Kelly Anderson) of Lucy Cadanau and Shibaskis Mandal finished in second place. Clayton High School and teacher Nathan Peck had teams tie for both third and fourth place. In third place was Justin Juilak and Marissa Lewis and in fourth place was Kim Tran and Kedar Venkatesh. Also in third place were Gabby Hernandez and Alexa Frattini from Visitation Academy under the direction of Dr Sherry Logusch. Tying for fourth place was Justin Bridges and Aidan Crowe of St Mary’s High School under the leadership of Kristine Ranciglio.
Thanks to all of the teachers for encouraging their students to participate and congratulations to all the participants on a job well done!