The following summary is provided to help councilors report to their local sections and divisions on key actions of the ACS Council and Board of Directors at the 2005 fall national meeting. 




Election Results


·        The Committee on Nominations and Elections presented to Council the following slate of nominees for membership on the Committee on Committees for the 2006-2008 term:  Cherlynlavaughn Bradley, William H. (Jack) Breazeale, Jr., Theodore M. Brown, Michael J. Brownfield, Peter K. Dorhout, Alan M. Ehrlich, Jurgen H. Exner, Mamie W. Moy, Connie J. Murphy and Don B. Weser.  By written ballot the Council elected Cherlynlavaughn Bradley, William H. (Jack) Breazeale, Jr., Peter K. Dorhout, Mamie W. Moy, and Connie J. Murphy.


·        The Committee on Nominations and Elections presented to Council the following slate of nominees for membership on the Council Policy Committee for the 2006-2008 term:  R. Gerald Bass, Martha L. Casey, Alan B. Cooper, Catherine E. Costello, M. Elizabeth Derrick, Janan M. Hayes, Ann H. Hunt, Valerie J. Kuck, Bonnie A. Lawlor and Charles E. Thomas.  Councilors were informed that Stephen T. Quigley was nominated as a petition candidate. By written ballot the Council elected R. Gerald Bass, Martha L. Casey, Janan M. Hayes, Valerie J. Kuck, and Bonnie Lawlor.  


·        The Council Policy Committee presented to the Council the following slate of nominees for membership on the Committee on Nominations and Elections:  David E. Bergbreiter, David S. Crumrine, Steven A. Fleming, Michelle M. Francl, Peter C. Jurs, Roger A. Parker, Robert A. Pribush, Sara J. Risch, Herbert B. Silber and John T. Yates, Jr.  By written ballot the Council elected Steven A. Fleming, Michelle M. Francl, Peter C. Jurs, Roger A. Parker, and Sara J. Risch. 




Candidates for President-Elect and Board of Directors


·        The Council was informed that John W. Kozarich had withdrawn as a candidate for President-Elect.  The candidates for the fall 2005 ACS national election were announced as follows:


President-Elect 2006

George E. Heinze, Rockland Technimed, Ltd, New York

Catherine T. Hunt, Rohm and Haas Company, Pennsylvania


Directors-at-Large – 2006-2008

James D. Burke, Retired, Rohm and Haas Company, Pennsylvania

Edwin A. Chandross, MaterialsChemistry, LLC, New Jersey

C. Gordon McCarty, Retired, Bayer Corporation; Adjunct Professor

      University of South Carolina

Frankie K. Wood-Black, Conoco Phillips, Texas


Director, District III 2006-2008

Catherine C. Fenselau, University of Maryland

Madeleine M. Joullié, University of Pennsylvania


Director, District VI, 2006-2008

Bonnie A. Charpentier, Genitope Corporation, California

Stanley H. Pine, California State University


Petition Withdrawn


·        The Committee on Nominations and Elections withdrew its petition on election procedures prior to the spring national meeting.  This action was to allow the committee to discuss further the issues raised by the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws and to solicit additional input from councilors and other members.  The withdrawn petition appeared in the agenda for information only.


Registration Report and 2006 National Meeting Registration Fee


·        As of August 30, 2005, the ACS fall national meeting had attracted 13,040 registrants as follows:   Regular attendees 7,584; Students 2,715; Guests 478; Exhibit Only 468; and Exhibitors 1,795.   The 2006 national meeting registration fee of $305 was announced.


Membership Statistics


·        The Council was informed that as of July 31, 2005, total ACS membership was 155,567.  This is an increase of 282 over the end of July 2004.


Special Discussion Item


·        A special discussion item was again put on the Council agenda for this meeting.   ACS President William F. Carroll described the process being used to develop a Society vision hypothesis that is to be tested with members, customers, governance and other interested parties.  Dr. Carroll described the methods used to get member input at the national meeting.  ACS national meeting attendees reported 15 common themes to be considered as important to the Society’s future.  Dr. Carroll sought Council input on the most frequent themes: diversity, young people, governance, multidisciplinarity, globalization and outreach. Councilors then engaged in a thoughtful, yet lively exchange of their vision of the Society’s long-term future.   


Local Section Action


·        On the recommendation of the Local Section Activities Committee, the Council approved a petition for change in section territory for the Central New Mexico Local Section.  The annexation is intended to improve services to the ACS members in the northern New Mexico area.

Constitution and Bylaws


·        On the recommendation of the Committee on Constitution and Bylaws, the Council approved revised charter bylaws for new local sections and for international chemical sciences chapters.





The Board’s Committees and Task Forces


·        The Board, through its Committee on Grants and Award, approved the following:  nominees for both the 2006 Perkin and Othmer Gold Medals; actions relative to pilot programs of the Petroleum Research Fund; continuation of the Fund’s 1% distribution to the Green Chemistry Institute; and approval of a new national award, the ACS Award for Achievement in Research for the Teaching and Learning of Chemistry, sponsored by Prentice Hall Publishers.


·        On the recommendation of the Board Committee on Public Affairs and Public Relations, the Board voted to designate the development of Rumford Baking Powder as a national historic chemical landmark. 


·        The Board approved actions resulting from the Member Satisfaction Survey, and from the Board-Presidential Task Force on Multidisciplinarity as prioritized by the Committee on Professional and Member Relations (P&MR).   The Board also authorized P&MR to develop, or ensure the development of action plans for implementation of the task force recommendations in coordination with other appropriate Society entities.


·        The Board also received a status report on the activities of the Joint Board-Council Policy Committee Task Force on Governance Review.  This task force is charged with conducting a review of the Society’s governance structure and Constitution and Bylaws to ensure that the Society has a governing framework to enable it to best fulfill its mission, meet member needs, and remain a world-class organization.



The Society’s Promotion of Diversity


·        The Board received reports from both the Committee on Professional Training (CPT) and the Committee on Minority Affairs (CMA).  CPT briefed the Board on recent training workshops relative to historically black colleges and universities and other African American-serving institutions; and CMA overviewed activities of the ACS Scholars Program.  The Board voted to continue the Scholars Program through 2010.


The Society’s Publications


·        The Board voted to approve the reappointment of several of its journal editors.


The Society’s Staff


·        The Board received a report from the Executive Director/CEO and several of her direct reports on the activities of the Publications Division, Chemical Abstracts Service and the Society’s General Counsel.  The Board also reviewed and approved recommendations from the Committee on Executive Compensation on compensation for the Society’s executive staff.  The compensation of the Society’s executive staff receives regular review from the Board. 


The Society’s Finances


·        The Board, through the Committee on Budget and Finance, voted to include requests for funding of the following programs in the development of the Society’s 2006 proposed budget:


o       A two-year pilot program for ACS High School Chemistry Clubs

o       ACS activities in connection with the  International Science and Engineering Fair

o       A Leadership Development  Program that delivers a pool of capable, effective and motivated leaders for volunteer roles throughout the Society

o       Reauthorization of, and continued funding for the Green Chemistry Institute

o       A complete reinvention of the Society’s Web Presence   




Councilor Briefing on ACS Executive Compensation


·        ACS Councilors were invited to a special briefing on Society executive compensation following the Council meeting.  The briefing focused on process:  what the Society executive compensation system consists of and how it is benchmarked.