The Chemical Bond, the official newsletter of the St Louis Section–ACS, is published nine times a year (Jan-May and Sep-Dec).
An email reminder is sent to the entire membership email list when each new issue is posted on the website. ACS members new to the Section are subscribed automatically, but may opt out at any time. Any update you make to your email address at the national ACS website will trickle down to us the following month.
If you wish to subscribe to our email list, just follow the “Join our email list” link at the bottom of any page, and update your profile to include “Chemical Bond reminders”. Every email includes an unsubscribe link, so you can back out at any time. We strictly honor your choices, and we don’t share email addresses with anyone.
You can keep current with newly posted items by subscribing to our RSS feed. Enter in your feed reader’s search bar.
Our archives have gone through several transitions as our methods for preparing and publishing the Chemical Bond have evolved:
- Prior to 2001, the Chemical Bond was prepared for hard-copy printing as camera-ready artwork hand-delivered to the printer. We used to have an almost-complete collection of these issues placed with an archivist, but that practice was terminated and the archives discarded.
- In 2001 (Volume 52), we began to prepare the Bond as a pdf that was emailed to the printer. Some gaps in 2001 have been filled with scanned issues. All those print-edition pdfs are archived here.
- Starting in 2010 (Volume 61), the Chemical Bond became a web-only publication with no hard-copy produced. The html pages are archived here. The last four issues of 2009 were dual-published in hard- and soft-copy to help members make the transition. Both versions are archived.
- In 2017 (Volume 68), the Chemical Bond became a dynamic compilation of blog posts from the previous calendar month; no html archive exists for these issues, but we have preserved them as web-to-pdf files (open in PDF reader) so that the archive will continue to be available. However, searching for the individual blog posts is a more efficient way to find archived content. On any blog page, you can filter blog posts to a specific month (which should exactly replicate the content of the following month’s issue), or search by topic/keyword(s) for distinct articles.
Volume 52 (2001)Jan (scanned pdf, 921 kB) |
Volume 53 (2002)Jan (pdf, 937 kB) |
Volume 54 (2003)Jan (pdf, 950 kB) |
Volume 55 (2004)Jan (pdf, 1.08 MB) |
Volume 56 (2005)Jan (pdf, 1.43 MB) |
Volume 57 (2006)Jan (pdf, 366 kB) |
Volume 58 (2007)Jan (pdf, 510 kB) |
Volume 59 (2008)Jan (no issue) |
Volume 60 (2009)Jan (pdf, 1.65 MB) |
Volume 61 (2010)Jan (html) |
Volume 62 (2011)Jan (html) |
Volume 63 (2012)Jan (html) |
Volume 64 (2013)Jan (html) |
Volume 65 (2014)Jan (html) |
Volume 66 (2015)Jan (html) |
Volume 67 (2016)Jan (html) |
Volume 68 (2017)Jan (pdf, 481 kB) |
Volume 69 (2018)Jan (pdf, 1.77 MB) |
Volume 70 (2019)Jan (pdf, 610 kB) |
Volume 71 (2020)Jan (pdf, 546 kB) |
Volume 72 (2021)Jan (pdf, 795 kB) |
Volume 73 (2022)Jan (pdf, 764 kB) |
Volume 74 (2023)Jan (pdf, 918 kB) |
Volume 75 (2024)Jan (no issue) |
Volume 76 (2025)Jan (no issue) |