The assigned territory of the Saint Louis Section comprises the counties of St Louis, St Louis city, St Charles, Jefferson, Ste Genevieve, Warren, and Lincoln in Missouri; and Madison, Jersey, Macoupin, Montgomery, Fayette, Bond, and St Clair in Illinois.
The American Chemical Society was founded in 1876. It is a Congressionally chartered nonprofit organization and the world’s largest scientific society, with a membership of over 160,000 chemists and chemical engineers in the USA and world-wide.
The Saint Louis Section–ACS was organized in 1907; its territory comprises the counties of St Louis, St Louis city, St Charles, Jefferson, Ste Genevieve, Warren, and Lincoln in Missouri; and Madison, Jersey, Macoupin, Montgomery, Fayette, Bond, and St Clair in Illinois. We have a rich history, including receiving and bestowing many awards. We have been fortunate to have many wonderful volunteers serve as officers over the years. We currently have about 1,200 members in the St Louis area.
If you’re not a member, you can join the national ACS, which confers automatic membership in a local section, or become a local section affiliate.
For information about our newsletter, the Chemical Bond, contact the Editor. If you wish to place a content-appropriate ad in the Chemical Bond, see the Information for Advertisers. The deadline for advertising and editorial content is seven days before the end of the month preceding the issue date.
Board of Directors
Board of Directors meetings are held the 2nd Thursday night of each month (September through May) in the clubhouse at Glen Echo Country Club (map) unless you see a special date or location announced on the home page events calendar. Social hour starts at 6:00, dinner and the business meeting at 6:30. Meetings are open to all section members, but attendees must pay for their own dinners. The usual cost is $24; officers and chairs of major committees who are post-docs or unemployed, $12. There is no cost to attend the business meeting without dinner. Elected officers and committee chairs have the right to vote; others in attendance have voice but no vote.
Dinner reservations are required by noon on the Monday before the meeting. Contact the section Chair to make a reservation.
The Continuity Dinner is a fancier than average board meeting held in December. At this event, there is usually a brief General Meeting of the Section to conduct general-meeting business; the Distinguished Service Award is announced (but not conferred until March); and the gavel is officially passed from the outgoing chair to the incoming chair.