Symposium speakers (left to right) David Crich (Wayne State), Suzy Hartman (chair-elect), James Janetka (Award winner), John Talley (Euclises), Robert Galemmo (ProteXase), and Tomi Sawyer (Merck).
Section Chair-Elect Suzy Hartman started the evening by welcoming everyone and describing some of the recent activities and successes of the Section. She then acknowledged the honoree, Dr Janetka, and his wife Roseann Benson, a chemical engineer and science writer; the award symposium speakers; William Abraham from Monsanto; section officers; and her husband Greg. She also pointed out that there were nine former Saint Louis Award winners present, spanning 30 years, starting with Joe Ackerman who won the award in 1987 and ending with Keith Stine, the winner last year. Following the introductions, everyone partook of an excellent meal which included salad, tenderloin Oscar, and cherries jubilee.
James Janetka receives check and Award plaque from Suzy Hartman.
Submitted by John-Stephen Taylor
Chair of the Saint Louis Award subcommittee