The speakers have been lined up, the venue set, talks titled. The Saint Louis Award Symposium—Friday, October 16th—will feature a who’s-who of rising local and national material scientists. Come for the science; come back for the banquet.
Materials Science comes to St. Louis
honoring Sophia Hayes
Department of Chemistry, Washington University
2015 Saint Louis Award winner
Louderman Hall 458, Washington University Danforth Campus
(see venue information below)
1:15pm — Dr. Pegah Jalili, Sigma-Aldrich Corporation (Chair, Saint Louis Section–ACS)
Welcome and general introductions
1:20pm — Dr. William E. Buhro, Chair, Department of Chemistry, Washington University (Symposium Chair)
Introduction and Salute to Dr. Hayes
1:25pm — Dr. Sophia Hayes, Department of Chemistry, Washington University (Saint Louis awardee)
A few words about the slate of speakers
1:30pm — Dr. Douglas A. Keszler, Department of Chemistry, Oregon State University
Clusters, Films, and Nanopatterns: Contributing to a Sustainable Planet
2:30pm — Dr. Eric H. Majzoub, Department of Physics, University of Missouri–Saint Louis
Functionalized Mesoporous Carbon Supports for Hydrogen Storage Materials: A First-principles Study of Surface Interactions with Complex Hydrides
3:10pm — Refreshment break
3:30pm — Dr. Alexander B. Barnes, Department of Chemistry, Washington University
Frequency Swept Microwaves for Dynamic Nuclear Polarization
4:10pm — Dr. Paul A. Jelliss, Department of Chemistry, Saint Louis University
Energetic Metallic Nanoparticles
4:50pm — Dr. Klaus Woelk, Department of Chemistry, Missouri University of Science and Technology
From Inversion Recovery and CPMG to High-resolution NMR Relaxometry
5:30pm — Dr. William E. Buhro
Concluding remarks
Venue information: Enter parking structure via Throop Drive from Forest Park Pkwy on north edge of campus. Louderman Hall is #65 on the campus map. Download the parking permit and display it on your dashboard. The event occurs during the university’s fall break, so campus entry and parking should be “no problem” (says the St Louis Award chair).
6:30pm — Saint Louis Award Banquet, Glen Echo Country Club, 3401 Lucas and Hunt Rd, Normandy, MO
Reservations required