The 2015 Undergraduate Research Symposium will be held from 2 to 4 pm on Friday, April 24, at Southern Illinois University–Edwardsville. Undergraduate chemistry students from all colleges and universities in the St Louis Section area are invited to present a poster on their research. Awards will be presented to outstanding participants. ACS student chapters are also invited
to display a poster (one per institution) about their activities.
In addition, anyone (repeat: anyone) interested in chemical research and education is welcome as an observer. Refreshments will (repeat: will) be provided.
Presenters and observers, come to Science Laboratory West adjacent to parking area “E” on the campus map. (However, you should park in area “B”.) The posters will be shown/discussed in the 2nd- and 3rd-floor hallways and lounges.
Students and research mentors: you can find the registration form here. Please submit it, along with an abstract of your poster, by noon on April 22 to Dr Susan D Wiediger. Questions? Call 618.650.3088.