The program for the Saint Louis Award Symposium on Friday, October 25th, has been finalized. The symposium will take place at Washington University on the Danforth Campus in Room 300 of the Laboratory Sciences Building, which is #57, grid location H-4, on the map (pdf, 3 MB). The lecture hall is on the third level.
Symposium attendees without regular parking privileges on Washington University’s Danforth Campus should download and print the parking placard (valid in Yellow locations only), and place it on their dashboard. Convenient parking will be found at the Millbrook Parking Facility (#85, grid H-3) directly north of the Laboratory Sciences Building across Throop Drive.
Expanding the Frontiers of Solution-State NMR:
Novel Applications – Unusual Systems
in honor of Dr D André d’Avignon
2013 Saint Louis Award winner
2:30pm Ziad Ramadan, Nestlé Research Centre
Chair, Saint Louis Section, American Chemical Society
Welcome and general introductions
2:35pm Joseph J H Ackerman, Washington University Department of Chemistry
Symposium Chair
Introduction and Salute to Dr. d’Avignon
2:40pm Peter Crawford, Washington University Department of Internal Medicine
NMR Spectroscopy Profiling of Complex Metabolic Systems in Mammals
3:15pm Lucinda (Cindy) Buhse, Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, United States Food and Drug Administration
Modern Analytics for Legacy Drugs: The Heparin Crisis
3:50pm Refreshment break
4:10pm Allan Doctor, Washington University Department of Pediatrics
Wetware: Protein Encoded Control of Metabolism in Erythrocytes
4:45pm R Douglas Sammons, Monsanto Company
An Old Herbicide and New Resistance Mechanisms
5:20pm Joseph J H Ackerman
Concluding Remarks
6:30pm Saint Louis Award Banquet, Glen Echo Country Club, 3401 Lucas and Hunt Rd, Normandy, MO
Advance reservations required