ACS section science fair coordinator Sheryl Loux has reported the results of the 2013 Greater St Louis Science Fair judging on May 1.
In the Grades 9–12 Honors Division:
- 1st Place: Ravali Inja, Determination of Caffeine and Theobromine Concentrations of Chocolate in Saliva Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography, Grade 12, Rockwood Summit High School, Fenton, MO
- 2nd Place: Cassidy Manns, Melamine Analysis: Pet Foods, Grade 12, Cor Jesu Academy, Saint Louis, MO
- 3rd Place: Jenna Lin, Particle Size Measurements of Aerosols Generated by An Electrospray, Grade 11, Parkway South High School, Manchester, MO
In the Grades 9–12 Regular Division:
- First Place: Liesl Thome, Testing Effects of pH Levels on Marble, Grade 11, St Joseph’s Academy, Saint Louis, MO
- 2nd Place: Rashikha Dhar and Rachel Venkatesan, The Effect of Various Heating Preparations on Vitamin C Content, Grade 10, Parkway South High School, Manchester, MO
- 3rd Place: Sumrah Khan and Naual Majid, The Effect of Iron Inhibitors on Iron Absorbance, Grade 11, Parkway South High School, Manchester, MO
In the Grades 6–8 Division:
- 1st Place: Daniela Duban, Got Juice?, Grade 7, St Angela Merici School, Florissant, MO
- 2nd Place: Tai Griffin, Banana Bonanza, Grade 7, Pattonville Heights Middle School, Maryland Heights, MO
- 3rd Place: Natasha Douglass, Carbonate Calories, Grade 8, The Fulton School, Saint Albans, MO
- Honorable Mention:
- Laneisha Hoke and Kaleja Jones Powell, Iodine Reaction Clock, Grade 8, Confluence Academy Old North, Saint Louis, MO
- Anna Blase, Food Power, Grade 6, St Alban Roe Catholic School, Wildwood, MO
In the Grades K–5 Division, a congratulatory letter and a purple participation ribbon were given to each of the 359 chemistry-related entrants this year.