Saturday, October 15, 2011, at Glen Echo Country Club, 3401 Lucas & Hunt Road, St Louis, MO 63121. Driving directions on the Glen Echo website.
6:30 pm cocktails (open bar), 7:00 pm banquet, 8:00 pm program
Please send reservations by October 12th to:
Lawrence Barton, Professor Emeritus
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
315 Benton Hall (MC 27)
University of Missouri–St Louis
Saint Louis, MO 63121
phone 314.516.5334
fax 314.516.5342
Make checks payable to St. Louis Section-ACS and note any special dietary limitations:
Name(s) _______________________________________________________
Number attending _____ × $55 each = amount remitted $______________
Special dietary limitations, if any ___________________________________