Samir El-Antably died today. He served as Chair of the St Louis Section–ACS in 1982, and since then had been the go-to guy for arranging any sort of banquet or special event. His interest in cooking naturally led him to knowledge of the local restaurant scene, and he used that knowledge to the Section’s benefit for almost 30 years.
Samir emigrated from Egypt to continue his education, earning his PhD at the University of Minnesota, and serving as a post-doc research associate at the University of Kansas. He settled in St Louis, working as a research chemist for Mallinckrodt, and in 1982 founded his company, Camela Medical Equipment.
He always liked to stay active. Section members were accustomed to seeing him arrive for Board meetings in his tennis duds, fresh from an earlier match, all smiles, win or lose.
Samir’s obituary was published in the St Louis Post-Dispatch here.