We have two Cocktails/Coffee with Chemists coming up soon. The first is on Pi Day (3/14), an auspicious day for scientists and St. Louis natves alike, and the second is on National Cheese Fondue Day (April 11th for those of you not up on your cheesy comestables). Further information and registration links below:
Please join your fellow chemists and lovers of chemistry to celebrate Pi Day (3.14) at iTAP on Tuesday March 14, 5 – 7 PM, for conversation and networking. You don’t need to be a member of the STL American Chemical Society to attend, but we hope you’ll consider joining us.
Join the St. Louis Section of the American Chemical Society at Coma Coffee on Tuesday April 11, 8 – 9:30 AM. You don’t need to be a member of the section, but we hope you’ll consider joining us. You must enjoy chemistry, the company of chemists, and 1,3,7-Trimethylpurine-2,6-dione (caffeine)!
As always, the first drink is on us.