(sung to the tune of The Gold Digger’s Song (“We’re in the money…” which, alas, we are not.)
We have just heard from Luis Echegoyen, President of ACS, that we are finalists for a ChemLuminary award in the category, Outstanding or Creative Local Section Younger Chemists Committee Event.
The nomination was for “Wrightonpalooza”, our Section’s hosting of a liquid N2 ice cream truck for the Mark Wrighton retirement festivities on the campus of Wash U in April, 2019. Eschewing false modesty, we proudly suggest that this event was both outstanding and creative.
Stay tuned in December to see how the selection turns out. Or better yet, the ChemLuminary link above links on to a registration page for the on-line award presentation. Join us for the absolutely freshest view of the results. (ACS member log-in required.)
We’ve heard that the other finalists are threatening a class-action lawsuit if they don’t win. Or maybe that’s a different Decision 2020. We can never remember.