Later in October, all members will receive an email link directing them to their electronic ballot for 2021 officers. Bios and information about the candidates are below.
Cynthia Chapple, Managing Director, Black Girls Do STEM; Senior Reseach and Development Chemist, ELANTAS PDG, Inc.
Service to the Section: Co-chair, Committee on minority affairs (2018-present), Steering Committee (2019), Salute to Excellence Award (2019).

Henry Rohrs
Henry Rohrs, Assistant Director, Washington University NIGMS Biomedical Mass Spectrometry Research Resource
Service to the Section: Organizer and Chair of Midwest MS Discussion Group (2008-present); Organizer and Chair Biological Mass Spectrometry Symposium – Great Lakes/Midwest Regional Meeting (2011), Secretary (2017-present)

Jeff Cornelius
Jeff Cornelius, Charles Stewart Harding Mott Distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Chair of Physical Science and Engineering Department, Principia College
Service to the Section: Education Committee Chair (2001-2006); Undergraduate Research Symposium Chair (2000, 2004); Secretary (2007-2009); Chair succession (2010-2012); Director (2013-2016), Treasurer (2017-present)
Donna G. Friedman, PhD, Chemistry Professor and Science Department Chair, St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley
Service to the Section: Business Manager, Chemical Bond (1983-1985, 1999-2020) Treasurer (1986-1987) Awards Committee Chair (1988) College Awards Subcommittee Chair (1989-1990) Steering Committee Member (1990-1993, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2006) Special Event “Proud to be a Chemist” Co-Chair (1991) National Chemistry Week Acting Coordinator (1991) Chair-Elect (1991) Section Chair (1992) Director (1993) Bylaws Committee Chair (1993-1994, 2009-2011) National Chemistry Week Coordinator (1994) Councilor (1994-2020), Science Fair Subcommittee Chair (1995) Investment Trustee (1999-2004) Parliamentarian (2002-2005) Distinguished Service Award Recipient (2003) Undergraduate Research Symposium Chair (2005, 2011) Audit Committee Chair (1996-2020).
Service to th eDivision of Chemical Technicians: Education Committee Chair (1994-1996) Bylaw Committee Chair and Parliamentarian (2003-2006) Treasurer (2007-2009).
Service to National ACS: Council Committee on Technician Activities (1991-1994, 2006-2007 Distinguished Service Award Recipient 2010) Chemical Technology Approval Service (2008 -2009) District V Councilors Caucus Secretary (1997-2002) Council Committee on Membership Affairs (2001-2008) Career Consultant (2006-2011) ACS Fellow (2012) Society Committee on Budget and Finance (2015) Committee on Committees (2016-2018 Secretary 2018) Council Committee on Constitution and Bylaws (1994-2000, 2008-2014, 2019- 2020 Chair 2014, 2020).
Alternative Councilor:

Hal Harris
Hal Harris, Professor of Chemistry semi-retired, the University of Missouri–St Louis
Service to the Section: Chair succession (1993-1995); Director (numerous years); Alternate Councilor (2011–present); Investment Committee Chair (2018–present); headed an ad-hoc committee to bring a better public understanding and appreciation of chemistry through responses to distortions in the media
Christine DeMeo, Professor of Bio-Organic Chemistry, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Service to the Section: Co-chair, Women Chemist Committee (2014 – present)

Bill Doub
Bill Doub, Retired, former US FDA/Division of Pharmaceutical Analysis
Service to the Section: Founding member and first Chairperson of the Greater Saint Louis Regional Discussion Group of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists, High School Program Committee (1998); Chemical Bond photographer, assistant editor, and business manager (1998); Membership Chair (1998); Investment Committee (1998); Director (1996-1998, 2011-2012, 2017-Present); St Louis Award Chair (1981, 1997); Treasurer (1993-1994, 1999-2001); Midwest Award Chair (1981); Alt Councilor (1992); Awards Committee Chair (1992); Program Committee Chair (1991, 1995); Chair succession (2008-2010).

Hal Harris
Hal Harris, Professor of Chemistry semi-retired, the University of Missouri–St Louis
Service to the Section: Chair succession (1993-1995); Director (numerous years); Alternate Councilor (2011–present); Investment Committee Chair (2018–present); headed an ad-hoc committee to bring a better public understanding and appreciation of chemistry through responses to distortions in the media

Suzy Hartmann
Suzy Hartmann, Chief Velocity Officer, Elemental Strengths
Service to the Section: Chair succession (2018-2020), Leadership Development Forum (2014-present)
Rhonda Woerndle, Product Manager, Bayer
Service to the Section: ACS St. Louis Science and Technology Award (2016), Steering Committee (2017 – present), Program Committee Chair (2018 – present), co-organizer of Cocktails with Chemists (2018 – present), Chemistry is pHun volunteer (2018 – present)