Nominations are solicited for the St Louis Award, which has been sponsored by the Monsanto Company (now Bayer) and administered by the St Louis Section–ACS. Nominees should be individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the profession of chemistry and demonstrated potential to further the advancement of the chemical profession. The awardee is selected by a review committee constituted by the St Louis Section–ACS. The award, consisting of a $1,500 honorarium and a plaque, is presented at the St Louis Award Banquet, which is typically held in October during National Chemical Week.
At the time of the nomination, nominees must not have previously received the Midwest Award or any national ACS-sponsored award. Nominees must be members or affiliates of the St Louis Section of the ACS. Nomination packets received by April 30 are considered for award presentation in October.
Nomination packages (vide infra) should be prepared as a single Portable Document Format (PDF) file and sent by email to John-Stephen Taylor
Nomination letters, required as an integral component of the nomination PDF-file-package, can be formally addressed to:
John-Stephen Taylor, Ph.D.
ACS Saint Louis Award Coordinator
Department of Chemistry
Campus Box 1134
Washington University
1 Brookings Drive
Saint Louis, Missouri 63130.
Nomination packages (single PDF-file) should include, in this order:
- a face page with the award name, the nominees name, and the date of the nomination;
- a nominating letter, which includes note of any significant activities with the Local Section;
- two additional seconding letters (not more) from individuals who have had a close professional affiliation with the nominee;
- a brief biography of the nominee (one page or less);
- a concise description of the nominee’s chief accomplishments in the field (one page or less); and
- a list of publications and patents.
Additional details can be found at URL